资源说明:Find and show the exploit from database of exploit-db.com
=== ExploitDB === Contributors: system_overide Author: system_overide Donate link: http://systemoveride.net/ Plugin URI: https://github.com/SystemOveride/ExploitDB Tags: exploit,database,find,search,show,exploit-db.com == Description == This simple Widget, allow you to show a exploit and find exploit from exploit-db.com . Is customizable in number of exploit to show, if show only type of exploit, and if show the search form for find exploit . == Installation == 1. Upload 'exploitdb' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 3. Configure the plugin through the Widget: insert in input field the number their types of exploits, and select 'si' or 'no' for show the search form . == Screenshots == 1. The current options of widget, but increase with the next version . 2. Shows the plugin in blog .