资源说明:Enumerates the possible movement sequences of a knight on a chess board shaped like a phone key pad
Enumerates all possible sequences of moves of length n of a knight in chess on a chess board shaped like a phone key pad. See below: Phone Keypad: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A knight can move in L shape. For instance, starting at 1, it can go to 8 or 6. In general there are always 2 possible positions a knight can move to from any position other than 5. 5 can never be visited. Also starting at 5 a knight cannot move to any other position. As a result, there are 2^n possible sequences of length n for a knight starting at any position other than 5. Here is an example showing how to run this code: > ruby chess.rb 1 5 1,6,1,6 1,6,1,8 1,6,7,2 1,6,7,6 1,8,1,6 1,8,1,8 1,8,3,4 1,8,3,8 done The first argument is the knight's starting position. The second argument is the number of times the knight moves.