文件大小: unknow
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资源说明:Fluid userscript that converts into a single-column UI and adds an unread counter to the dock icon.
Instapaper for

This userscript turns the Instapaper website into a single-column UI which is more suitable when using Instapaper as a []( SSB. It also adds an unread count badge to the dock icon.


1. Create a new Fluid app.
2. Enter `` as the URL and then enter a name (such as `Instapaper`).
3. Once the app is created, go up to the _Scripts_ menu and choose _New Userscript..._.
4. Name the script whatever you want (such as `Instapaper`).
5. In the blank script that appears, copy/paste the entire contents of `instapaper-fluid.user.js`.
6. Save the script and restart the Fluid app.
7. __(Optional)__ To make links open in the default browser rather than inside the Fluid app: open to the app's _Preferences_ panel, go the _Advanced_ section, and choose `[Allow] browsing to URLs mathing these patterns:` then enter the following patterns:
	- `http*://**`
	- `http*://**`
	- `http*://**`
	- `http*://**`
	- `http*://**`
	- `http*://**`
	- `http*://**`
	- `http*://**`
	- `http*://**`
	- `http*://**`
	- `http*://*`
	- `http*://*`

Unread Count

The unread count badge only appears on the dock icon when in the _Unread_ section. Also, the unread count only reflects the number of articles on the current page ( shows 40 articles per page).


On the full Instapaper site, the folders list is in the sidebar. Since the sidebar is removed in this userscript, the folders list has been moved to the main navigation bar, but only appears when in the _Unread_ section; clicking _Folders_ toggles the folders list (see screenshot below).


The included `.icns` file contains a custom 16-pixel icon which will appear in the Mac menubar when using the Fluid app in MenuExtra mode (_Instapaper Menu_ > _Convert to MenuExtra SSB..._). All other sizes in the icon file utilize the [official Instapaper icon]( which is a copyright of Instapaper, LLC.


