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资源说明:Data reader for the RDM630 125Khz TTL-RS232 RFID receiver
RDM630 125Khz RFID Reader

This is a python module for reading values from a RDM630 rfid receiver.
It supports both single read from the receiver and continuous polling,
giving results back through callbacks.
It also support autodiscovery of the reader (assuming there's only one
plugged in).

### Requirements:
* pyserial
* pyudev

### Examples
I included a small set of example modules in the `examples/` directory.

#### singleread.py
An example of doing a single read from the rfid reader.

#### gnome-notification.py
Shows a OSD notification whenever a tag is read by the receiver.
Requires pyinotify.

#### pam\_rfidauth.py
This is probably the most interesting application example. It is a complete
PAM authentication module for authentication through RFID tags.
Configuration instructions are inside the source file.
Requires libpam-python to work as a PAM authentication module.
