资源说明:This is the integrated system software for the control of a small satellite designed by COEP students. It is an example of how moderately complex systems are built on Bare Metal.
A Rudimentary RTOS for Satellite Control. COEP Satellite Project Copyright 2011 COEP Satellite Project _____________________________________________________________________________________________ This is the integrated system software for the control of a small satellite designed by COEP students. It is an example of how moderately complex systems are built on Bare Metal. This contains the following code: app: bob_tasks.c - Bunch of rudimentary tasks performed by the system asm: - All output of `make asm' goes here device: - On chip device drivers driver_pio.c - Parallel IO port rtt.c - Real Time Timer sd.c - SD card spi.c - Serial peripheral interface usart.c ecc: - Code for error correction coding on program memory hamming2.s - Hamming code scrubs.s - Data scrubbing fs: - A simple File System that is used on the SD card patches sat_fs.c spi_fs.h.bak test_main.c fs/patches: 20.10.10.patch sat_fs.c include: AT91SAM7X256.h - Atmel header for MCU bob_tasks.h driver_pio.h rtt.h sat_fs.h sd.h spi.h SST_config.h - Configuration file task.h trace.h usart.h system: boot.s - Bootup code. exc.c - High level Interrupt Service Routines. Also contains some code to help the scheduler exceptions.s - Low level exception handlers low_level_init.c - First hardware initialisation swi.c - Software interrupts - a rudimentary system calls interface task.c - Real time scheduler