文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Advanced, fluid width 2 or 3 column WordPress theme with widgetized sidebar, footer, and header areas. Theme option pages to adjust everything from layout settings, color scheme, typography, ad placement, and custom headers. SEO optimized titles and meta description and keyword fields. Builtin social bookmarking, choose from 10 different popular social network and bookmarking sites to include.
=== Techozoic Fluid ===
Contributors: jeremyclark13
Donate link:
Tags: blue, light, one-column, two-columns, three-columns, flexible-width, custom-colors, custom-header, theme-options ,left-sidebar, right-sidebar, threaded-comments, translation-ready, sticky-post
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 3.4
Stable tag: trunk

Advanced, fluid width, widget-ready sidebars and footer, 1, 2, or 3 column theme.    

== Description ==
Advanced, fluid width 2 or 3 column theme with widgetized sidebar, footer, and header areas.  Theme option pages to adjust everything from layout settings, color scheme, typography, ad placement, and custom headers.  SEO optimized titles and meta description and keyword fields.  Builtin social bookmarking, choose from 10 different popular social network and bookmarking sites to include.  Visit the theme options page to setup Techozoic.

== Installation ==

Installation can be done automatically through the Install Themes feature or manually by following instructions below.

1. Upload contents of `` to the `/wp-content/themes/` directory
2. Choose the theme from the 'Appearance menu in WordPress
3. Visit the Techozoic Settings pages to configure all the theme options.

== Licensing ==

* Social Icon Set - Elegant Media Icons - License: GPL
* Header Images - Jeremy Clark - License: GPL
* All Other Images - Jeremy Clark - License: GPL

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Where can I get support? =

[Support Forums](

= Is there any documentation? =

[Techozoic Fluid]( "Techozoic Fluid theme site")

== Changelog ==
= Version 2.1.1 =
* Missed changing archive page to use new template part.
* Fixed function typo in tech-widget.php.

= Version 2.1 =
* Performance increased by caching css generated by settings.
* Added Twitter Feed widget.
* Improved font stacks.
* Added new template tags to reduce repeated code.
* Updated Posts page layout.
* Responsive styling updated.
* New touch enabled sliding menu in responsive view.
* Updated Options Framework to latest version.
* New layout for options page.
* Removed unneeded meta description and keyword tags.
* Minor styling updates.
* Updated bbPress theme support to 2.2.
* Added support for Jetpack Infinite Scroll module.
* Code cleanup to follow WordPress coding standards.

= Version 2.0.8 =
* IE dropdown menu bug fixed.
* Added option to minify dynamic css.
* Fixed virus warning for Chrome users.

= Version 2.0.6 =
* bbPress support added. (Version 2.0.2)
* Register sidebars for bbPress pages option.
* 3.4 custom headers added, backward compatible with 3.3.
* Switched to add_help_tab method for adding help menus.
* Using wp_get_theme to retrieve theme data if available, falling back to get_theme_data if not.
* Added Twitter feed functions for display on options panel.  Will be turned into shortcode for next version.
* Removed dashboard widget and moved everything to about tab on options panel.
* Minor styling changes to form elements.
* Social media icons converted to CSS sprites.
* Search bar moved into navigation menu.
* Pintrest Pin it button added.
* Bug Fix - Typography size wasn't saving correctly due to issue with options framework now fixed.
* Bug Fix - Footer editor box rolled back to standard textarea, until framework supports it.

= Version 2.0.5 =
* Emergency Bug Fix - Typography options not saving correctly due to issue with options framework now fixed.

= Version 2.0.4 =
* Added two new navigation styles, Ribbon and Square.
* Added more color choices for navigation menus.
* Added option to specify width of navigation menu sub menus.
* Added ability to specify two Google Web fonts.
* Romanian Translation  ( "Web Hosting Geeks") 
* New post author block on single post screens, if user bio is filled out on profile page it is displayed along with gravatar.

= Version 2.0.3 =
* Updated Social Media icons to GPL licensed - Elegant Media Icons 
* Cleaned out old unused images and files

= Version 2.0.2 =
* Title was overlapping social media icons on single post page.
* Navigation button color wasn't respected. 
* Post title color wasn't respected on single post page. 
* Post format status post weren't showing up on home page. 

= Version 2.0 = 
* Moved to Options Framework Option Panel.
* Using Custom Header functions.
* Removed Cufon support.
* Removed support for navigation menus other than built*in menus.
* Added support for status, quotes, and aside post formats.
* Various CSS3 styling changes, new calendar style, comment form styling, social media icons.
* Fixed widget bug not saving options.
* Added status update widget.

= Version 1.9.4 = 
* Removed unneeded backwards compatibility code.
* Fixed error with deleted headers returning when saving options.
* Removed additional code deemed unsafe by theme review guidelines.
* Added Options for controlling comment preview on home page.
* Removed unneeded navigation options.
* Fixed dashboard widget path to options page.

= Version 1.9.3 =
* WordPress 3.0+ now required as per Theme Review Guidelines
* Removed deprecated comment function.
* Fixed problem with header folder upload permissions
* Added option to change image upload location, images can now be stored in wp*content directory to prevent removal with theme updates.
* Added border to top of header, and spacing to better frame theme.
* Added option to use Google Fonts.
* Added post formating options including where excerpt should be used, and where to display social media icons.
* Moved options page under the Appearance menu as per Theme Review Guidelines.
* Added links for all image sizes to gallery pages.
* Added option to make custom background colors transparent.
* Added shortcode processing on ad settings.
* Fixed error with background repetition.

= Version 1.9.2 =
* Fixed IE 7 layout error when blog title box was aligned left.
* Fixed localization for date formats * format now pulled from blog options instead of hardcoded.
* Added new social media networks (LinkedIn and email post).
* Fixed error with 2 column setting defaulting to Content * Sidebar even after saving.
* Updated attachment.php page for better gallery intergration. 

= Version 1.9.1 =
* Dynamic Styles now stored in database instead of calculated on every page load.
* Changed how style.php is called from functions.php
* Added option for specifing different widths for left and right sidebars
* Added font resize widget
* Fixed error on search results and 404 page if sidebars where used on single pages 
* Adjusted Techozoic Navigation widget if a menu is assigned to the Sideber Navigation location it always displayed
* Added Footer Navigation Section for footer links 
* Added Option to disable drop shadow for post and header 
* Added Left and Right header widget areas
* Completely localized admin screens look in languages folder for .pot file to translate
* Reworked header for better flow under side borders

= Version 1.9 =

* Major code cleanup and validation.
* No longer using any deprecated funtions but still maintain backwards compatibilty with older version of WordPress 
* Added option to choose social network icons on home page and single post page
* Added options to display links to social network profiles in about widget
* Added Norwegian Translation - Thanks [](
* Added German Translation - Thanks [Thomas Morvay](
* Fixed error with image alignment outside of post container
* Fixed error with Tag archive containters being too small
* Fixed error with some plugins causing post meta info to be read in header causing problems with disabling sidebar and nav menus
* Added 3 new layouts - Sidebar - Sidebar - Content, Content - Sidebar, Sidebar - Content
* Added function for outputing sidebars depending on layout options
* Added support for WordPress 3.0 menus
* Added Options for adjust size and family of Nav Menu Fonts
* Added option to rearrange footer text with shortcodes
* Added option to disable search box in header area.

= Version 1.8.7 =
* Added French Translations * Thanks [Wolforg]( "Wolforg : CMS, Logiciels Libres & R�seaux Sociaux en Loz�re")
* Added Cufon javascript font replacement options, and three free to use on web fonts
* Added option to change content area background color
* Added option to have content area background image
* Added option to upload favicon
* Bugfix: Search results page blank cause by missing ) in translation functions
* Added Search term highlighting
* Moved default upload location to wp*content/techozoic folder to stop theme updates deleting uploaded headers
* Added option to center navigation menu
* Fixed dropdown menu bug where specifying a fixed width wouldn't work
* Moved widget code and comment callback code into separate files included with functions.php 
* Added comment preview section at bottom of post 
* Added export/import page for saving options to a downloadable file and restoring later or to another blog\

= Version =
* Fixed theme activation error

= Version 1.8.6 =
* Removed Tim thumb script causing to many errors, using browser scaled images for preview links 
* Moved options to separate menu page with sub menu pages for General, Header Images, and Style Settings
* Major CSS cleanup for style.css
* Added option to restore original style.css if static css is used and changes have been made 
* Backup of current style.css file made before overwriting file
* Added option to change repeat pattern of custom page background image
* Added Widgetized footer section *Limited to 3 widgets
* Added Meta Box to Post/Page Screen to selectively disable sidebars on an individual basis if Display Sidebars on Single Pages is set

= Version 1.8.5 =
* Added Italian Translation - Thanks [Giuseppe Bomentre](
* Reworked Header image upload to no longer rely on javascript
* Header image selection screen uses timthumb script to display previews
* Header image selection screen uses thickbox for image previews
* Added Page background selection to choose custom background instead of plain color
* Changed Nav Exclusion list to be multiple selection box, instead of manually typing ids 
* Moved options to separate file to be included on controlpanel and theme*init files

= Version 1.8.4 =
* Localized public part of theme ( Translators needed see [here]( )
* Bugfix: IE7 wasn't properly centering blog title in header
* Bugfix: If either the sidebars or main column widths weren't declared then the default values were used sometimes causing layout problems
* Changed how options are referenced, controlpanel.php is only included on the dashboard
* Added new tech*init.php file to change option names in database and pull values for the options
* Added option to exclude pages from nav menu
* Added new javascript dropdown menu type
* Added option to use static css instead of dynamic
* Added page to allow copying of dynamic css to static style.css file
* Style.css now contains all default css and is used until custom options have been defined
* Added option for header image alignment
* Added option for header image size
* Added New header image selection interface - Shows small previews with a link to full versions of header images to save space
* Added New Navigation tab with new options for :
* Adding option for specifying up to 5 custom external links and their positioning in nav menu, toggling Home link visibility, changing text for Home link, showing Dashboard and login/logout links

= Version 1.8.3 =
* Bugfix: Didn't remove all debugging code, was causing problems with headers 
* Bugfix: If options haven't been setup default style.css is loaded to fix error with theme preview
* Updated JS for Typography options to have Font Previews update with size and family

= Version 1.8.2 =
* Updated way style.php is called, no longer using unsafe $_GET variables
* Thanks to Atahualpa theme by BytesForAll for the inspiration and code
* Added more options for font sizes for different sections

= Version 1.8.1 =
* Bugfix: Long Post titles were pushing post meta info down into content
* Bugfix: Options panel form is now validated before being submitted
* Bugfix: Style.php now sanitizes values from options panel before being displayed
* Moved default css from style.php to default*css.php to make editing easier

= Version 1.8 =
* Major Code Cleanup: prettified code, removed extraneous php open and close tags, removed old features
* Major Rework of how theme options are stored only two options added to wp_options table instead of 40+
* Old options are moved into new entry and old entries deleted from wp_options table
* Bugfix: Custom comment function was causing problem with PHP 5.0.5 bug, code reworked to eliminate bug and maintain function
* Bugfix: Pages weren't getting the right width if sidebars were disabled
* Added New Color Option for navigation button background
* Split Color option for Body/Accent color into two separate options
* Added Dashboard Widget with links to options page and support forum
* Added Sidebar Navigation Widget and option to disable Horizontal menu
* Added About Author Widget with option to display Gravatar image
* Updated widgets to new 2.8 style with title options
* Updated Style.php code used to get variables from option panel, added custom function, reworked code to save space

= Version 1.7.2 - 1.7.9 =
* Skipped for major version change.  See version 1.8 for details.

= Version 1.7.1 =
* Bugfix: If javascript disabled, custom header upload form will still work
* Bugfix: Ad settings fields are now sanitized by stripslashes to work with certain php and MySQL versions
* Added second navigation menu type Two Tier * Horizontal menu with sub menu of any subpages
* Added Header Text alignment option
* Added Option to disable SEO optimization of post title being the main title on single pages
* Added Webkit browser (Safari/Chrome) rounded corners
* Added Webkit and Firefox drop shadows for images

= Version 1.7 =
* Added support for WordPress 2.9 post thumbnails feature, backwards compatibility maintained
* Added header management page with custom image upload form and selection and deletion buttons for each header * BETA
* Added base font size option for increasing font sizes with examples of page element's sizes
* Added option to turn on/off Blog title and tag line overlay in header
* Added option to save two custom color schemes
* Added color choices for text and post background color
* Added color picker for all colors choices
* Modified option page to have tabbed interface to save scrolling, and cleaned up option descriptions

= Version 1.6.8 - 1.6.9 =
* Skipped for major version change, theme options page reworked and many new features added.  See version 1.7 for new features

= Version 1.6.7 =
* Added width adjustments for page, content, and sidebars
* Added javascript to validate choices for widths
* Added new header Landscape which is a shot of Hawaii taken from a mountain top
* Added default styles to be applied if no options have been chosen

= Version 1.1 - 1.6.6 =
* Neglected to keep track of all features

= Version 1.0 =
* Initial Public Release
