资源说明:A mud game
mud is a MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) game. It is a distributed application with a central server and any number of connecting clients. # Requirements mud is written in Java (1.5 generation) and uses RMI (remote method invocation) for remote calls. To build it you need ant. # Compiling To build client and server: ./compile # Running the server To start the server: ./runserv The server starts and displays a prompt: serv> Hit RETURN to get a list of commands: users display users godmode heal and arm all users monsters display monsters rooms display rooms s show (s)tack halt (h)alt h (h)elp # Playing the game To start the client: ./runclient The client starts and displays a prompt: >> Hit RETURN to get a list of commands: uset (u)ser l (l)ogin user o l(o)ok/(o)rient i (i)nventory c - (c)onsume food item e
(e)xit to room p - (p)ick up item a
(a)ttack player t (t)erminate combat echo send (e)cho signal ping send (p)ing signal s show (s)tack q (q)uit h (h)elp Select a username and password to log into the game: >> u Andres secret This will place the human character Andres in The Lobby: >>> Entered The Lobby Room: The Lobby {Exits} Pass of Azotus {Humans} {health} {weapon} {armor} Andres 53 5 0 The Lobby is a safe haven where no monsters enter and you can stay there any amount of time while your health slowly increments. But it contains no useful objects and has no action unless human characters fight amongst each other. To exit to a different room type part of its name: >> e pas >>> Entered Pass of Azotus Room: Pass of Azotus {Exits} The Lobby Cell of Nathanael {Humans} {health} {weapon} {armor} Andres 53 5 0 {Monsters} {health} {weapon} {armor} Prithivi 94 80 25 {Armor} {strength} helmet 40 mail 45 gauntlet 25 In a room with objects you can pick up weapons and armor to improve your combat readiness, and consume food to improve your health. But if the room contains a monster combat will begin: >>> Under attack from Prithivi >>> Struck by Prithivi taking 46 damage [7] >>> Struck Prithivi causing 1 damage [93] >>> Struck Prithivi causing 1 damage [92] >>> Killed by Prithivi Any character (human or monster) that is killed will be respawned. Human characters will be respawned in The Lobby: >>> User Andres respawned in The Lobby