资源说明:A MOO server exposed through a Web interface with a Parchment-like look and feel.
# Introduction This is an attempt to run a [MOO][] server with a Web interface similar to [Parchment][]. It's basically just some client-side JS that communicates with a [Node][] server via [Socket.io][], which itself forwards input from a MOO served via a unix domain socket. The server automatically takes care of starting the MOO server process, performing MOO database file rotation, and cleanly shutting down the MOO server on `SIGINT`. MOO was chosen instead of creating a similar engine from scratch due to its maturity and extensive documentation. # Installation This code has only been tested with Node v0.3.6 and Socket.io v0.6.8. Make sure Socket.io is available at the `socket.io` directory. Enter the `moo` directory and run `./configure && make`. You'll probably want to create a file called `config.local.json` that contains something akin to the following: { "moo": { "dbFile": "moo/LambdaCore-latest.db" }, "key": "key.pem", "cert": "cert.pem", "ca": "ca.pem" } If you don't want to serve over SSL, leave out the `key`, `cert`, and `ca` information. Once all this is done, run `node server.js` to start the server, and then open your browser to Check out [Getting Started with your LambdaCore MOO][starting] for help on setting up the MOO itself. You might also want to take a look at: * [LambdoMOO Beginners Quick Reference][quickref] * [The LambdaCore Database User's Manual][coreuserman] * [The LambdaCore Database Programmer's Manual][coreprogman] * [The LambdaMOO Programmer's Manual][progman] # Limitations Actually creating anything worthwhile on the MOO requires an easier editing interface, which this project currently lacks. [Parchment]: http://www.toolness.com/wp/2008/06/introducing-parchment/ [MOO]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOO [Node]: http://nodejs.org/ [Socket.io]: http://socket.io/ [starting]: http://www.moo.mud.org/moo-faq/lcore-getting-started.html [coreuserman]: http://cmc.uib.no/moo/docs/manuals/formatted/html/LambdaCoreUserMan.html [coreprogman]: http://cmc.uib.no/moo/docs/manuals/formatted/html/LambdaCoreProgMan.html [progman]: http://cmc.uib.no/moo/docs/manuals/formatted/html/ProgrammersManual.html [quickref]: ftp://ftp.parc.xerox.com/pub/MOO/contrib/docs/quick-reference.txt