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资源说明:A simple visual effect using Cinder and OpenNI
Scatter The World

A simple interactive visual effect using Microsoft's Kinect and Cinder.

Currently the system is limited to 5000 particles. When I get the chance, I
intend to implement a particle system that uses location binning to limit
particle interactions to nearest neighbor interactions. This will probably
raise the particle capacity to 14k particles @ 30fps. GPU based techniques
would be needed to implement a larger number of particles.


To date, the only environment I have tested this on is the following:

  * Mac OS X 10.6.7
  * Xcode 3.2.6
  * [Homebrew 0.8][1]
  * libusb with OpenKinect patch. [Homebrew formula][2]
  * [OpenNI-Binaries][3] [v1.1.0.41][4]
  * [SensorKinect][5] [v5.0.1.32][6]
  * [NITE-MiddleWare Binaries][7] [v1.3.1.5][8]
  * [Cinder][9] [HEAD][10]
  * And of course: A [Kinect][11] (no seriously, it will not run without a kinect plugged into the computer.)

## Installing Prerequisites

  1. If you haven't already downloaded and installed Xcode 3.2.6, Grab it [here][12]. I have not tested this with Xcode 4. You will need to log in.

  2. Fire up and install Homebrew and git
    ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
    brew install git

  3. Then install libusb
    brew install

  4. Create a link between /usr/local and /opt/local to fool NITE into thinking we like macports.
    ln -s /usr/local /opt/local

  5. Install OpenNI using the following steps:

    1. Download the package. 

    2. extract the package into its own directory.

    3. `cd` to that directory in the terminal and run
    sudo ./

  6. Repeat Step 5. for NITE and SensorKinect

Seting Up the Build Environment

Now that you have a working install of OpenNI and NITE we need to download and
build Cinder.

  1. Make a directory on your desktop and call it `CinderProjects`
    cd ~/Desktop
    mkdir CinderProjects

  2. Clone cinder's git repository 
    cd ~/Desktop/CinderProjects
    git clone git:// Cinder

  3. Download the compatible version of boost([v1.44.0][13]) Extract it, and rename the directory to `boost`. Copy this directory to `~/Desktop/CinderProjects/Cinder`.

  4. Build Cinder:
    cd ~/Desktop/CinderProjects/Cinder/xcode

With this step complete you should have a working build environment for this
project. All that remains is to clone this repo into

        cd ~/Desktop/CinderProjects
        git clone git://

Build Instructions

  1. Open the project `ScatterTheWorld/xcode/ScatterTheWorld.xcodeproj` in Xcode.
  2. Make sure the target is set to `Release`
  3. Plug in your kinect.
  4. Hit Build & Run



  - Wave to initialte hand tracking. If any existing particles are in the system they are cleared.

While Tracking:

  - Push to toggle particle creation on/off.

  - Move the hand to spread particles out over the screen.

  - Wave to leave the seesion.

Keyboard Controlls:

  - `1` Toggle display Visible Light map (grayscale camera).

  - `2` Toggle Rendering of Particles.

  - `g` Toggle Gravitational pull towards the center of the window.

  - `p` Toggle Perlin Noise effect on particles.

  - `s` Begin recording frames to a movie to the desktop. The file will be named ``. Pressing `s` again will stop it.

