资源说明:A bundle for symfony2. The purpose is highlighting source code in template with a choiced highlighter (pygment, geshi, highlight...)
Presentation ============ This bundle transforms a part of text representing a source code in html formated text. It provides 5 highlighters : - pygment - geshi - highlight - http request to appspot - http request to hiliteme Two caches mechanisms permit to conserve highlighted informations about languages and work made by the highlighter, moreover symfony integrated cache. Installation ============ ###Standard symfony installation : Add the following line in composer.json: ```json { //... "require":{ //.... "nicodmf/highlight-bundle": "2.1.*" //... } } ``` Activate changes via the command: ``` php composer.phar update ``` ###Manual installation Download and decompress the bundle package in `vendor/bundles/Highlight` manually or via github: ``` git submodule add git://github.com/nicodmf/HighlightBundle.git vendor/bundles/Highlight` ``` - add namespace in the autoloader : ``` php registerNamespaces(array( //... 'Highlight' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles', //... )); ``` Activation ========== ``` php {% endstylesheets %} ``` Options ------- The default options can be overriden by adding options after importation of the bundle config. An example in app/config/config.yml: ``` yaml highlight: # Each provider in this list are use on after other # if language given in template ins't allowed providers: [ geshi, httphiliteme, httpappspot, highlight, pygment ] # All globals options can be rewrite in a specific provider # except cssclass who just added globals: linenos: true blockstyles: "" cssclass: highlight highlight: linenos: true blockstyles: "" cssclass: highlight pygment: linenos: true blockstyles: "" cssclass: pygment geshi: linenos: false # Two possibilities fancy or normal linestyle: normal cssclass: geshi #line number not available with appspot httpappspot: blockstyles: "overflow:auto;color:white !important;" cssclass: pygment appspot httphiliteme: linenos: false #One of : colorful default emacs friendly fruity manni monokai murphy native pastie perldoc tango trac vs style: pastie #Additionnal css directive for div block blockstyles: "overflow:auto;color:white !important;" cssclass: pygment hiliteme services: highlight.configuration: class: Highlight\Bundle\HighlightBundle tags: - { name: configuration } highlight.twig.extension: class: Highlight\Bundle\Extension\TwigExtension tags: - { name: twig.extension } arguments: [@translator, @kernel, @service_container ] #arguments: [@translator, @templating.globals, @templating.helper.assets ] ``` In Twig ------- Highlight can be used as filter, function or parser ### Filter As a filter, highlight take a defined string or a defined string variable, the highlighter to use is optional : ``` {{ aDefinedStringVariable|highlight 'php' ['pygment'] }} ``` ### Funtion The function work with same purpose, with another syntax : ``` {{ highlight( aDefinedStringVariable, 'php'[, 'pygment']) }} ``` ### Block parser The parser is simply to use, because you don't have obligation to defined a variable. The code wich would be transformate is beetween standard twig tag. The highlighter is always optional : ``` {% highlight 'php' ['pygment'] %} {% endhighlight %} ``` Extends ======= Provider -------- It is very simple to add another provider if you want to use one not listed here. In the provider directory : - Create a provider class in providers - Add its creation in factory.php In the DependancyInjection directory - Update the Configuration.php to added the new parameters