文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:SassAndCoffee adds support in ASP.NET MVC to (you guessed it!) Sass/SCSS and CoffeeScript
# SassAndCoffee
This library adds simple, drop-in support for Sass/SCSS as well as CoffeeScript.
Javascript and CoffeeScript files can also be minified and combined via UglifyJS.

## How to use:
First, add the desired [package reference(s)](#Packages) via [NuGet]. You probably want SassAndCoffee.AspNet.

### CoffeeScript
* Add a .coffee file to your project. For purposes of this example we'll use ~/Scripts/
* Reference that file in your page as if it were compiled JavaScript: `
