Computes estimates for the Knapsack Problem using a Genetic Algorithm. Notes: - Run using "clisp ga_knapsack.lisp". I recommend a large terminal to see pretty-display for the output. - Tweaking parameters for *num-generations*, *mutation-rate*, *ks-size*, *ks-pop-size*, *ks-overstuff-penalty* should drastically change the results of the program. I found the current parameters to be fairly good. Improvements: - Make global parameters into command line arguments. This would be really useful since tweaking all of these has such a big impact. - Create new knapsack item files, with different values to test with. - Parse a more human readable format for reading item files. Using a lisp file with item structs in it feels like cheating. - Create alternate solve- function for running until convergence in the population is detected. - Separate helper functions, genetic algorithm base, and knapsack problem into different modules. I don't understand the lisp module system very well.