资源说明:Arduino/Avr compatible Analogic To Digital (ADC) library with support for interrupts and up to 16 channels.
# atmega-adc `atmega-adc` is an Arduino/Avr compatible library to control Analogic-To-Digital conversor (ADC). It supports up to 16 ADC channels. ## Description Three functions are currently provided: - A function to read the value on an specific channel only once: uint16_t adc_read(uint8_t prescaler, uint8_t vref, uint8_t pin) - Where `prescaler` is a predefined constant to choose from: ADC_PRESCALER_2 ADC_PRESCALER_4 ADC_PRESCALER_16 ADC_PRESCALER_32 ADC_PRESCALER_64 ADC_PRESCALER_128 - `vref` is another constant needed to select voltage reference: ADC_VREF_AREF ADC_VREF_AVCC ADC_VREF_MISC1 ADC_VREF_MISC2 - And `pin` is the channel to read from: 0-7 or 0-16 if available. - A function to read continuosly a number of channels and execute a user-defined function on every read: void adc_start(uint8_t prescaler, uint8_t vref, uint8_t pin_qty, void (*handler)(uint8_t, uint16_t)) - `prescaler` and `vref` are the same constants as above. - `pin_qty` is the number of pins/channels to read from: 1-8 or 1-16 if available. - `handler` is the user defined function, and it should be defined as: void examle(uint8_t pin, uint16_t value) { // code goes here } - A function to stop the ADC `void adc_stop()` ## Sample Code - Using `adc_read`: #include#include "atmega-adc.h" // In this example we toggle PORTB when ADC value on channel 0 is bigger // than 512 void main() { DDRB = 0xff; PORTB = 0; while(1) { if (adc_read(ADC_PRESCALER_128, ADC_VREF_AVCC, 0) >= 512) PORTB = 0xff; else PORTB = 0; } } - Using `adc_start`: #include #include "atmega-adc.h" // This sample function is called on every ADC read with 2 parameters: // the current pin/channel where ADC is reading and the actual value. void myfunction(uint8_t pin, uint16_t value) { switch(pin) { case(0): // do something break; case(1): if (value >= 512) PORTB = 0xff; else PORTB = 0; break; case(2): // do something else break; } } void main() { DDRB = 0xff; PORTB = 0; // set ADC to monitor the first 3 channels using AVCC as reference adc_start(ADC_PRESCALER_128, ADC_VREF_AVCC, 3, myfunction); // enable global interrupts sei(); while(1) { // your code goes here } } ## Running it in Arduino 1. Download the source code by using the Download Button on this page 2. Rename and install the library as: `{arduino_path}/libraries/AtmegaADC` 3. Open Arduino and go to "Import Library" option. Choose AtmegaADC from menu. ## Atmel Model Support It should work with a long range of devices, for example: - atmega48, 88, 168, 328 - atmega164, 324, 644, 1284 - atmega640, 1280, 1281, 2560, 2561 - atmega325, 645 - ...