文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Notifies an e-mail address (for example, a SMS number's e-mail address) when friends sign on to Xbox Live.
# xbxnotify

This utility uses your XBox and GMail credentials to monitor XBox Live for friends logging on, and then sends an e-mail to a target e-mail address whenever a friend logs on.  This is especially useful in conjunction with some cell phone providers, such as AT&T, that will redirect e-mails sent to a specific address (e.g., 123456789@txt.att.net) to SMS.

## Usage

To build: 
1. Install leiningen from: https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen
2. Enter the project directory and run "lein deps", then "lein uberjar"

To run:
(for best results, download a release version that contains a pre-built JAR)
./xbxnotify.sh OR xboxnotify.bat

with ALL of the following arguments:
-u or --xbox-email <- your XBox Live e-mail account
-p or --xbox-password <- your XBox Live password
-s or --sms-address <- the target e-mail address you want notifications sent to
-g or --gmail-address <- your GMail address
-gp or --gmail-password <- your GMail password

therefore a complete command might look like:
./xbxnotify.sh -u "me@msn.com" -p "mypwd" -s "123456@txt.att.net" -g "me@gmail.com" -gp "mypwd"

When you see a bunch of noisy error-looking messages, that means it's working (will be fixed in later versions).

By default the client checks for new friends every 500 seconds.  In later versions, this parameter will be configurable.

-Make refresh time configurable
-Suppress ugly warnings by one of the Java libraries (HttpUnit)
-Build a GUI (like XBList, but cross-platform)

Comments/suggestions/feature requests welcome!

## License / Legal

All trademarks and rights regarding XBox are owned by Microsoft. Thanks for building a cool gaming platform!

Copyright (C) 2011 Cory Giles

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.
