文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Code to handle aligning sequences to the potato genome, including 454 paired-end sequences and various 'mate pair' sequences from BACs, fosmids, and tomato clones.

PE/MP aligned to potato assembly 3

* ASSEMBLY = Assembly/PGSC0003DM/PGSC0003DMB.fa

* DM_BES = LIBGSS_011841 Solanum phureja POTATO-B-01-100-110KB
* DM_FOS = LIBGSS_011804 Solanum phureja POTATO-F-01-40KB
* RH_BES = LIBGSS_010743 Solanum tuberosum RHPOTKEY BAC ends
* SL_BES = Various Solanum Lycopersicum


1) Alignment is done with SSAHA2, using the default 'Sanger' hashing
  and matching aoptions.

2) The 'raw' SSAHA2 output is filtered using the 'depth_filter.plx'
  Perl script using a coverage (-c) of 0.8 and a depth (-d) of 3.

3) The 'raw GFF' is generated directly from the filtered SSAHA2
  alignment results using the 'ssaha_to_gff.plx' Perl script.

4) The 'paired GFF' is generated using the 'raw GFF' and a
  bambus-style 'mates' file using the 'to_gff.plx' Perl script.

5) The 'paired GFF' is loaded into GBrowse, and is visualized using
  the 'clone.conf' GB Perl-style configuration



A BAC library was constructed by Lucigen from Solanum phureja DM1-3
516R44 (CIP801092). End sequences were generated using primers in the
vector (pSMART) using Sanger sequencing at the J Craig Venter
Institute. All sequences are in GenBank (Accession numbers GS025504
...). A total of 156,485 sequences are found in this file.

Title:          Sequencing of the Solanum phureja doubled monoploid clone,
                DM1-3 516R44 (CIP801092)
Authors:        Buell,C.R., Lundback,S.S.
Year:           2009
Status:         Unpublished


A fosmid library (40 kb insert sizes) was constructed from Solanum
phureja DM1-3 516R44 (CIP801092). End sequences were generated using
primers in the vector (pCC1FOS) using Sanger sequencing at the J Craig
Venter Institute. All sequences are in GenBank (Accession numbers
FI900795-FI901529, FI907952-FI927051, GS557234-GS594339,
GS635316-GS765760). A total of 187,386 sequences are found in this

Title:          Sequencing of the S. phureja doubled monoploid clone, DM1-3
                516R44 (CIP801092)
Authors:        Buell,C.R., Lundback,S.S.
Year:           2009
Status:         Unpublished


A BAC library (library name RHPOTKEY) was constructed by Keygene from
Solanum tuberosum clone RH89-039-16. The library comprises a mixture
of EcoRI and HindIII partial digest genomic DNA fragemnts. End
sequences were generated using primers in the vector (pIndigoBAC-5)
using Sanger sequencing at the J Craig Venter Institute. All sequences
are in GenBank (Accession numbers EI367122-EI391525,
EI812397-EI846477, ER788642-ER870415). A total of 140,259 sequences
are found in this file.

PubMed ID:      18554403
Title:          Analysis of 90 Mb of the potato genome reveals conservation
                of gene structures and order with tomato but divergence in
                repetitive sequence composition
Authors:        Zhu,W., Ouyang,S., Iovene,M., O'Brien,K., Vuong,H., Jiang,J.,
Citation:       BMC Genomics 9 (1): 286 2008


