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README for IGN Code Foo Challenge Submission, Matt Hammond

This repository should contain 5 files: This readme, IGN APP.doc, IGN APP OO.odt, KnightTour.py,
and Resume Matt Hammond PDF.pdf.

IGN APP and IGN APP OO are the same, but IGN APP OO is in an OpenOffice format, since the .doc
wasn't being formatted perfectly across Word, OO, and Pages. Both should be readable with all of
these programs though, just with a few formating mix-ups for the .doc in Pages. These documents
contain my answers to the posted questions.

The resume is a more formal resume of my education and work experience. 

KnightTour.py is my solution to the Knight problem, discussed further in IGN APP.

A little more about me not discussed in the formal resume and question 4 in IGN APP:

My work experience is pretty broad, including working as a tutor at a learning center, working as
an electrical engineer at UC Berkeley, a TA for an upper division EE course at UC Berkeley,
and as a courtesy clerk at Safeway, which was by far the worstof the bunch. All of these jobs 
took place over summers between school, with the exception of the TA gig.

The coursework I've had most relevant to the position would probably be your usual lower division
CS classes (introduction to programming, data structures/search/sorting, machine structures), a discrete
math with applications to CS class (probability, security), user interface design (using the iPhone
as a development platform), and AI. The languages I've been exposed to are on my resume, but I've never
done much web development, but I've always been interested to learn, and see the Code Foo Challenge as
a potentially great opportunity.

More personally, the games I've been playing most recently are Starcraft 2, Halo: Reach, and CoD: MW2.
The PC has long been my favorite platform, but is just so expensive to maintain. I'm holding off upgrades
for Diablo 3 (so excited!). I also have an Xbox 360, DS, PS3, and Wii, and generally prefer them in that
order, although I am really excited for Uncharted 3. The Wii I haven't really touched in forever, and
probably won't until Skyward Sword comes out. Guitar Hero/Rock Band battles would probably be the preferred
method of settling any inter-office disputes.

So please read through the rest of the files, thanks for your time, and good luck with your search for
the best candidates!
