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资源说明:Fork of the AdvanceCOMP re-compression utilities
# AdvanceCOMP

The [AdvanceCOMP][] recompression utilities is a suit of commands for optimizing the compression ratio for a number of [zlib][] based file formats, such as `.png`, `.mng`, and `.gz`.  

This is a fork of the [AdvanceCOMP][] recompression utilities that has been modified by adding the `advpngidat` recompression tool that can recompress Apples iPhone optimized [PNG][] proprietary format.

The files in the `src/` directory are the unpacked contents of the [`advancecomp-1.15.tar.gz`]( distribution.

**See also:**
    [Xcode Build Setting Reference – COMPRESS_PNG_FILES (Compress .png files)][COMPRESS_PNG_FILES]
    [Technical Q&A QA1681 – Viewing iPhone-Optimized PNGs](
    [CgBI file format]( ### Usage This fork of the [AdvanceCOMP][] tools does not modify any of the original tools, but adds an additional tool– `advpngidat`. The `advpngidat` tool has a couple of options, which you can view via `--help`, but there is really only one option that is used in practice: `-z4`. This specifies that the original `.png` file should be recompressed using the highest compression / maximum effort setting. For example:
shell% advpngidat -z4 FILE.png
      308008      283951  92% FILE.png
The original `.png` file is replaced with the recompressed version. The `.png` file is left unmodified if `advpngidat` was unable to make the `.png` smaller. You can also wild-card batch process `.png` files too:
shell% advpngidat -z4 Images/*.png
         937         908  96% Images/CornerReading@2x.png
      147935      136238  92% Images/Default.png
      523332      479938  91% Images/Default@2x.png
         127         127 100% Images/DottedLine.png (Bigger 133)
         148         148 100% Images/DottedLine@2x.png
**Helpful Hint:** The [AdvanceCOMP][] distribution also includes the `advdef` tool. This tool performs the same recompression optimization on `.gz` files, and it is used exactly the same way as `advpngidat`– advdef -z4 FILE.gz. ### Design The `advpngidat` tool was created by taking the [``][] and copying it to [``][]. The PNG optimization code from [``][] was then completely removed, and code that only recompresses a [PNG][]'s `IDAT` chunk was added. The `advpngidat` tool performs only a single type of optimization: recompression of the `IDAT` chunk in a `.png` file. The contents of the decompressed `IDAT` chunk are not examined nor modified in anyway, it is simply recompressed using the [7z][] [RFC 1950][] / [zlib][] compression engine. The other [PNG][] chunks in the `.png` file are passed through unmodified. #### RFC 1950 / zlib Streams [RFC 1950][] / [zlib][] allows for two types of streams: * Normal. This stream type includes a header, trailer, and `Adler-32` checksum of the data. * Raw. This stream type does not include a header, trailer, or a `Adler-32` checksum. The [PNG specification][PNG] mandates that the `IDAT` chunk be compressed using the [normal, non-raw]( stream format. The iPhone optimized [PNG][] format requires the `IDAT` chunk to be compressed using the ***raw*** stream format. #### Recompressing `IDAT` The `advpngidat` tool works by recompressing the `IDAT` chunk using the [7z][] [RFC 1950][] / [zlib][] compression engine, which can usually achieve an additional 3% to 7% additional compression relative to [zlib][] / `gzip -9` maximum compression setting (it's sort of like `gzip` that goes to `gzip -11`). The iPhone optimized [PNG][] format includes an additional, non-standard [PNG][] chunk type: `CgBI`. The presence or absence of this chunk type is used to determine whether or not the `IDAT` chunk is a *raw* or *normal* [RFC 1950][] / [zlib][] stream. The `advpngidat` tool works on either iPhone optimized `.png` files, or [PNG] standard conforming `.png` files. The presence or absence of a `CgBI` chunk is used to determine whether or not the `IDAT` chunk should be read and re-written as a *raw* or *normal* [RFC 1950][] / [zlib][] stream. ### Recompression Results Some numbers (obtained with `shell% wc Images/*.png | tail -1`) based on the `.png` files in `Resources/Images` at the time of this writing:
Default Xcode pngcrush6554837 bytes (6.25MB)
After advpngidat6110164 bytes (5.82MB)
This represents a savings of 444673 bytes, or 434KB. There is an additional option that you can use with `pngcrush`: `-brute`. This option tries a very large number of permutations of the various compression knobs, which means it can take a ***lot*** longer. Here's the results with `-brute` enabled:
Xcode pngcrush w/ -brute5626755 bytes (5.36MB)
After advpngidat5248702 bytes (5.00MB)
Using a combination of both `-brute` and `advpngidat` saves 1306135 bytes, or 1.24MB, relative to the default Xcode [`COMPRESS_PNG_FILES`][COMPRESS_PNG_FILES] optimization. ### Background / Theory [zlib][] is a [LZ77][] based compression scheme, and like all [LZ77][] based compressors, it uses a length, distance pair in the compressed byte stream that is used by the decompressed to copy length number of bytes from a position that is a distance number of bytes back from the bytes that have already been decompressed. In practice, there are usually a number of possible matches for any given length, distance pair. Since the number of combinations raises very quickly, there is no practical way to find the combination that results in the smallest number of compressed bytes. A number of heuristics are used by [LZ77][] based compressors, and the compression ratio achieved by a particular implementation is highly dependent on the length, distance search algorithm used. The [AdvanceCOMP][] recompression tools use the search / match implementation from the [7-Zip][] / [LZMA][] compression engine which has been specifically designed to maximize the compression ratio. The [7-Zip][] / [LZMA][] matcher is typically able to get an additional 4% to 15% compression than [zlib][] at its highest setting (i.e., `gzip -9`). Of course, it also takes a lot longer to perform the compression. Therefore it makes sense to spend the extra effort *only* when the files in question are of the "compress once, decompress many times" variety. As a general rule, decompression speed of [LZ77][] based compressors is completely independent of the quality and implementation of the compressor. In fact, it usually takes less time to decompress a highly compressed [LZ77][] byte stream (i.e., [AdvanceCOMP] recompressed files) than it does to decompress a [LZ77][] byte stream that was created by a compressor that was optimized for compression speed (i.e., `gzip -1`). This is because a highly compressed [LZ77][] stream invariably contains less length, distance pairs that need to be processed, while the length, or the number of bytes copied, tends to be greater, and copying bytes is typically something that is highly optimized (i.e., `memcpy`). [AdvanceCOMP]: [zlib]: [LZ77]: [LZMA]: [7-Zip]: []: []: [RFC 1950]: [PNG]: [7z]: [COMPRESS_PNG_FILES]:
