资源说明:An SWT Tag Cloud Composite
h1. Cloudio has moved! *Please note: Cloudio has been contributed to Eclipse and is now part of the GEF/Zest framework.* Cloudio is still mirrored on GitHub - have a look at https://github.com/eclipse/zest. For additional information, please visit the "Zest homepage" and the "Eclipse wiki":http://wiki.eclipse.org/Zest/Cloudio h1. Initial Commit Cloudio was originally developed as a visualization plugin for "Tesla, the Text Engineering Software Laboratory":http://tesla.spinfo.uni-koeln.de , developed at the "Department of Computational Linguistics":http://www.spinfo.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de , University of Cologne. However, we decided to create a stand-alone plugin, such that it can also be used in other projects. Cloudio supports the JFace MVC model: Content and look of the cloud can be defined with custom label- and contentproviders. Additionally, Cloudio offers methods to add selection listeners and allows to modify or re-define the used layout algorithm. An RCP application which demonstrates the features of Cloudio is avaliable, too (see the screenshot below). Examples of tag clouds generated by Cloudio can be found in the "project wiki":https://github.com/sschwieb/Cloudio/wiki/Example-Clouds - there also is a small code snippet to demonstrate how to use the TagCloud class in a custom application. !http://www.schwiebert.org/projects/cloudio/cloudio_screenshot.png! To build, run 'mvn clean install' in project 'org.schwiebert.cloudio.maven.parent'. This will generate the core plugin as well as standalone RCP applications for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.