文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:DropBox clone. Monitors a git repository folder and pushes any changes to the origin server.

Monitors file activity in a git repository folder. Whenever files are changed added or deleted, they are automatically commited and pushed to the central repository. The result is a git based DropBox clone.


 * git - You need to install git on your system. If you have Snow Leopard, git should already be available. [http://git-scm.com/](http://git-scm.com/)
 * ruby - This should also be available if you're running Snow Leopard. Version 1.8.7 is default on my system and works fine.
 * real-growl - Follow installation [https://github.com/dewind/real-growl](https://github.com/dewind/real-growl)
 * fetool - This is the tool the whole service build upon. You find it in [fseventer](http://fernlightning.com/doku.php?id=software:fseventer:start) application bundle. After you have installed fseventer you right click the application bundle and chose "Show Package Contents". You find the fetool binary in Contents/Resources.


 * Install all the prerequisites. 
 * Clone this repository
  * git clone git://github.com/KONDENSATOR/k-folder-mon.git
  * Put it in any home directory folder.
  * Put the fetool binary within the k-folder-mon folder.
 * Create a file named ".fsmon" in the root of your home directory, and follow the instructions in the Configuration instructions.

The configuration is a simple hidden file within the root of your home directory called .fsmon. It should look something like this.

    user: fredrik
    psw:  mypassword  # Optional - I know it's not secure, but this is so that you can put the fsstartall script in startup items.
      - ~/shared_folder
      - ~/another_shared_folder
      - .DS_Store
      - .git
The folders section is where you put your local reference to your local copies of the repositories that you want automatically synchronize.


From within the k-folder-mon directory, just run
    sudo ./fsmond start
    ./fsfetchd start

You can make the deamons start at boot if you add the psw parameter in the configuration. If you do, then you can enter 

 * System Preferences -> Accounts -> Login Items 

Here you can add the fsstartall file. 

Thats it.
