资源说明:Creamture PHP Framework is a new way to develop enterprise projects based in CodeIgniter
Creamture is an Open Source Framework based in CodeIgniter. Original project of SeViR (Jose Francisco Rives Lirola) DIGIO Soluciones Digitales http://www.digio.es - & Accesium Technology - http://www.accesium.es - FEATURES _________________________________________________________________ Simply install and open the welcome page, you have all you need there ;-) INSTALLATION _________________________________________________________________ Decompress all the files, point your virtual host to the "public" folder. Save the public assets to the "public" folder (imgs, js, css,...) AGREEMENTS _________________________________________________________________ * lfrancop for the bugfixes * jcavard for his initial Language Application Editor, thanks for your fantastic idea, we have to improve it * wiredesignz for HMVC Implementation * Andreas Suderlund for SimpleTest CI library * CodeIgniter Reactor Team * All the people who has made this project a reality