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资源说明:Tag based medical diagnosis finder

\author{Bernd Brägelmann}


Diagnozo will hopefully be a tool to allow finding a medical diagnosis based upon a tag based filtering system.


ruby list_diagnosis.rb

Lists all in diagnozo.xml included diagnosesis.

\section{The diagnosis database: Diagnozo.xml}

The \href{https://github.com/braegel/Diagnozo/blob/master/data/diagnozo.xml}{Diagnozo.xml}\footnote{Diagnozo is \href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esperanto}{esperanto} for ``diagnosis''.} file contains the informations related to a diagnosis.

I suggest the following xml elements and attributes. Have a look at this example:

\begin{lstlisting}[caption="First version of Diagnozo.xml",label="firstversionofdiagnozoxml",breaklines=true,frame=tlRB]

		small line in the upper lobe of the right lung
		unsharp dens hilar vessels
		pulmonary increased streaking
		Heart failure



	\item[name] name of the diagnosis

All elements can be used multiple times per diagnosis.

	\item[url] urls
	\item[anamnesis] something the patient says
	\item[pe] a physical examination. That is something a physician can diagnose by examine the body of a patient
	\item[region] region of the body where the disease can occure
	\item[xray] how does the diagnosis look like in native x-ray images
	\item[ct] how does the diagnosis look like in computed tomography scans
	\item[mri] how does the diagnosis look like in computed tomography scans
	\item[dd] a differential diagnosis

\section{To Do}
\item test driven development
\item XML validation
\item securing unique diagnosis
\item Web interface tags $\rightarrow$ diagnosis
\item Web interface diagnozo.xml editor with version control
\item Language check through native speaker
\item Deciding which license to use

\section{Possible additional features}
\item Learning tool ``diagnosis by tags''

Not yet decided. Some copyleft like CC, GFDL.
