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资源说明:Quality control for airborne tail Doppler radar
# Airborne-Radar-QC

This code is part of a project for meteorological data quality control of airborne tail Doppler radars.
The project is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the National Center for Atmospheric Research.
It currently consists of:

  * radarqc -- Tools for batch editing of radar data using Ruby and C++
  * navigation -- Calculation of INS navigation corrections using Fortran

A complete quality control procedure consists of creating navigation corrections, applying them to the raw data, and removing non-meteorological radar echoes from the data.

A sample Ruby script `RunAirborneRadarQC.rb` that performs these procedures in order to a set of Dorade sweepfiles is included.

To run the script, the `RadxConvert` tool is required, which is available at the [Radx] ( website

## RadarQC

RadarQC consists of a Ruby gem interface and C++ native extension. If you don't have Ruby installed, the recommended way to install is via the [Ruby Version Manager] (
If you have Ruby installed but don't have root or Administrator privileges to install Gems, Ruby Version Manager is also a good choice since it can install a local Ruby version in your home directory.

You will need the `bundler` gem to install the required Ruby dependencies, which can be installed with

     $ gem install bundler

The Ruby gem also requires the [Qt] (http:// library to build the native extension. See the instructions below on how to build a native C++ application without the Ruby interface.

Use bundler and rake to build and install the `radarqc` gem onto your local machine. 

     $ bundle install
     $ rake install

Once the `radarqc` gem is installed, you can include it in an editing script. A sample `defaultQC.rb` script is included in the top level directory. The script is based on the procedure described in:

Bell, M. M., W.-C. Lee, C. Wolff, and H. Cai, 2011: An automated procedure for quality control of airborne tail Doppler radar data. *In preparation*

### Qt

A command line C++ application can also be built that does not require the Ruby interface. From the top-level directory run

     $ qmake

to create a Makefile or Xcode project for your machine, and you will need to modify the AirborneRadarQC.cpp code directly.

## Navigation
The navigation correction code is based on the algorithm described in:

Georgis, J.-F., F. Roux, and P. H. Hildebrand, 2000: Observation of precipitating systems over complex orography with meteorological Doppler radars: A feasibility study. *Meteor. Atmos. Phys.*, **72**, 185-202.

To compile, a Makefile is included

     $ make

More complete documentation on how to run the software will be described here shortly.

## Contributing to Airborne-Radar-QC

* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
* Check out the [issue tracker]( to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
* Fork the project
* Start a feature/bugfix branch
* Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution, then open a Pull Request.
* Make sure to add tests for the feature/bugfix. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
* Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate it to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.

## Copyright

Radarqc Copyright (c) 2011 Michael Bell, Cory Wolff

Navigation Copyright (c) 2011 Michael Bell, Huaqing Cai, and Frank Roux.

See LICENSE for details.
