资源说明:Read - Write JSON SerDe for Apache Hive.
* Support for JSON arrays and maps
* Support for nested data structures
* Support for Cloudera's Distribution Including Apache Hadoop (CDH)
* Support for multiple versions of Hadoop
### Installation
Download the latest binaries (`json-serde-X.Y.Z-jar-with-dependencies.jar` and `json-udf-X.Y.Z-jar-with-dependencies.jar`)
from [congiu.net/hive-json-serde](http://www.congiu.net/hive-json-serde).
Choose the correct verson for CDH 4, CDH 5 or Hadoop 2.3. Place the JARs into `hive/lib` or use `ADD JAR` in Hive.
### JSON Data Files
Upload JSON files to HDFS with `hadoop fs -put` or `LOAD DATA LOCAL`. JSON records in data files
must appear _one per line_, an empty line would produce a NULL record. This is because Hadoop partitions
files as text using CR/LF as a separator to distribute work.
The following example will work.
{ "key" : 10 }
{ "key" : 20 }
The following example will not work.
"key" : 10
"key" : 20
### Loading a JSON File and Querying Data
Uses [json-serde/src/test/scripts/test-without-cr-lf.json](json-serde/src/test/scripts/test-without-cr-lf.json).
~$ cat test.json
$ hadoop fs -put -f test.json /user/data/test.json
$ hive
hive> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test ( text string )
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe'
LOCATION '/user/data';
hive> SELECT * FROM test;
foo 123
bar 345
### Querying Complex Fields
Uses [json-serde/src/test/scripts/data.txt](json-serde/src/test/scripts/data.txt).
hive> CREATE TABLE test (
one boolean,
three array
JsonSerde - a read/write SerDe for JSON Data ================================================ Build Status: * master : [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/rcongiu/Hive-JSON-Serde.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/rcongiu/Hive-JSON-Serde) * develop:[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/rcongiu/Hive-JSON-Serde.svg?branch=develop)](https://travis-ci.org/rcongiu/Hive-JSON-Serde) This library enables Apache Hive to read and write in JSON format. It includes support for serialization and deserialization (SerDe) as well as JSON conversion UDF. ### Features * Read data stored in JSON format * Convert data to JSON format during `INSERT INTO