资源说明:This is an example of using Synergy to access Microsoft Word (OLE) through and ActiveX control written in Visual Basic
AXWord: ActiveX control and support code for creating an example Dunning letter. Author: David Evans Company: Synergex E-Mail: david.evans@synergex.com Submision Name: AXWord Date Posted: 12/07/98 Minimum Synergy: 6 Platforms: Windows Description: This is an example of using Synergy to access Microsoft Word (OLE) through and ActiveX control written in Visual Basic. Filenames: ReadMe.txt AXword info: This file AXWord.bat Batch file to compile and link AXWord.dbl Synergy Language source file (mainline) AXWord.def Synergy Language header file AXWord.ocx ActiveX control AXWord.vbp Visual Basic project file AXWord.vbw Visual Basic vbw file AXWord.wsc Synergy UI Toolkit script file DumbDB.dbl Synergy Language source file (database stubs) AXWordCTL.ctl Visual Basic control source code Dunning.dot Dunning letter with tags (Word for Windows (r) template) MSVBV50.dll Visual Basic Runtime Registered CTRL name: AXWordExample.AXWordCTL AXWord CTRL Methods: Boolean Generate() AXWord CTRL Properties: String m_account String m_invs String m_pmts String m_pdue String m_cdue String m_tdue String m_tdate String m_status String m_ad String m_rep String m_DOTFile Discussion: To compile the Synergy Language code: Use the AXWord.bat file located in this directory. To run AXWord: set AXWORD environment variable to point to directory where AXWord is installed, so the control can find the ".dot" file. Example "set AXWORD=C:\AXWORD" The AXWord.ocx must be registered using axutl or regsvr32. Run "dbr AXWord". The example will allow the user to select 1 of 2 accounts and move the data for these accounts into the ActiveX control. WinWord will then replace the tags in the DOT file and display the modified document for user changes. The user then may FAX, Print, or Save the modified document. The control was created with Visual Basic 5. To rebuild control, open the project file AXWord.vbp with Visual Basic 5 and select File:Make AXWord.ocx. Because WinWord uses OLE automation, Synergy cannot directly access WinWord's methods and properties. A Visual Basic wrapper has been put around the Word for Windows OLE control to access the methods needed to get the job done.