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资源说明:Arduino RC Car
*ArduinoCar project*

Remote controlled car based on Arduino board.

Both transmitter and receiver uses arduino boards, communicated over radio channel 
using a cheap 433 MHz RX/TX units and VirtualWire library.

Transmitter also uses ADXL 330 accelerometer to detect a wheel movement. 

Receiver based on 2 DC motor platform.

The list of hardware:

Transmitter unit:
 1. Arduino Nano (atmega 328)
 2. Accelerometer ADXL330 connected to +5V, GND, X to A7,Y to A6, Z to A2
 3. 4 green LEDs and 4 red LEDs connected to D4,D5,D6,D8 
    and D9,D10,D11,D12 through a 270 Ohm Resistors
 4. A 3 buttons between GND and A0, D2, D3, without an external pullup resistors
 5. A 433 Mhz transmitter unit connected to +5V, GND, D13

Receiver unit:
 1. Arduino Uno (atmega 328)
 2. 2 blue LEDs connected to D2 and GND via 270 Ohm resistor.
 3. 2 red LEDs connected to D7 and GND via 270 Ohm resistor. 
 4. A motor shield (L298N based, modified to use PWM pins 5 and 6 
    instead of 10 and 11 to avoid intersection with VirtualWire TIMER1 interrupt)
 5. A 433 Mhz receiver unit connected to +5V (or A0), GND (or A3), A1 (DATA) 
