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资源说明:GNURadio core modification for use with gr-fec
GNUradio core modification

Follow next short HOW-TO for replace GNURadio-core Viterbi lib

If you are interesting to use gr-fec packakage containing Viterbi decoders for HRPT weather satellite telemetry decoding 
then you will need to modify and reinstall gnuradio-core with new viterbi.c, viterbi.h sources.

1)	cd to  gnuradio/gnuradio-core

2)	$$ make uninstall

3)  create a backup for  gnuradio/gnuradio-core/src/lib/viterbi

4)  new sources viterbi.c and viterbi.h need to be replaced in gnuradio/gnuradio-core/src/lib/viterbi

5)  $$ make
	$$ make install
