资源说明:Ikran, an addon for Mozilla for making audio/video call using SIP
--------------- 0. Introduction --------------- Ikran is an experimental addon for Firefox that turns your browser into a SIP endpoint for both audio and video. It currently uses WebRTC for audio/video media support. The ikran is a bird from the mythical world of Pandora (Avatar). It is well known for its birdcall which travels long distances using widely accepted standards for audio and video. Ikran can operate in two modes. (1) Registration mode, where it is a SIP UA and registers with a SIP server. (2) Peer to Peer Mode, where is can communicate directly with other ikran clients in the same mode using SIP. ------------------- 1. Platform Support ------------------- Required for all platforms: Python (www.python.org) - known to work with 2.6 & 2.7 SCons (www.scons.org) - see section 13 Linux: Should build on Ubuntu 11.04, 11.10 or Fedora15 Third-Party Libraries +Glib - sudo apt-get install libdbus-glib-1-dev +asound - sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev +libgtk - sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev +libidn - sudo apt-get install libidn11-dev Mac OSX: Built on OSX 10.7 with XCode 4.1 and OSX 10.6 with XCode 3.2.6 Links to Framework 10.6, minimum version 10.5 Requires libidl installed. You can use MacPorts ("sudo port install libidl") Windows: Built regularly on Windows XP & Windows 7. Python path is in runSconsBuild.py and set to c:\python27 Requires setting following environment variables SCONS_LOCATION pointing to scons installation e.g SCONS_LOCATION=c:\Python26\Scripts ZIP_LOCATION pointing to 7z zip installation MS_WINDOWS_SDK_PATH pointing to Windows SDK path ( v7.1) MS_VC_PATH pointing to Visual Studio installation ( VS9.0) DXSDK_DIR pointing to Micrsoft DirectX SDK installation ----------- 2. Building ----------- - Get and build Mozilla Firefox, we link to some Firefox libraries https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Build_Documentation Set the MOZSRCPATH env variable to point to it - to the mozilla-central directory. - Build WEBRTC for video and audio engine libraries + Follow the instructions @ http://www.webrtc.org/reference/getting-started + Set WEBRTCPATH to point to it : export WEBRTCPATH=/Users/XTM/HTML5/webrtc/trunk Set up these two Environment variables MOZSRCPATH environment variable pointing to the a built source tree of Firefox (mozilla-central) WEBRTCPATH environment variable pointing to a built webrtc source trunk To Run the build 'python runSconsBuild.py debug' or 'python runSconsBuild.py clean' Current command line options are 'debug', 'release', 'clean', 'noaddon' and 'x64'. ------------------- 4. Output from build ------------------- The build will create a test application and a Firefox addon for the nightly build. Test App binary: TestApp_Softphone Addon: ikran-0.2-dev.xpi ---------------------------- 5. Testing the Firefox addon ---------------------------- To test the addon follow these steps - The addon executable will be generated under