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资源说明:CL-HMM: HMM Library for Common Lisp
Copyright (C) Juan Miguel Cejuela 

CL-HMM: HMM Library for Common Lisp

* Compatibility: ANSI Common Lisp. Tested on SBCL 1.1.11 and Allegro 8.0 Free Express Edition
* Dependencies: [ system](
* Development Times:
  * 2008 July-September
  * 2013-


* Discrete observation densities.
* Alphabet symbols of any kind.
* Exponential state duration densities.
* Homogeneous HMMs.
* First order chains.
* Comparable efficiency to GHMM written in C (1x - 2x slower)
* HMMs:
  * Tied emission parameters
  * Finite and infinite HMMs
  * Forward/Backward scaled, Viterbi in log
  * Baum-Welch (scaled) for multiple labeled sequences and normalized noise

* PHMMs (Pair HMMs) -- **ongoing development**
  * Forward & backward pure algorithms (non-scaled)
  * Sequence translations: X --> Y
  * (soon) Baum-Welch pure
  * (soon) Viterbi
  * (soon) Scaled versions of the algorithms
  * (not soon; help anyone?) Tied emission parameters


- Followed Rabiner's notation in code. Otherwise properly indicated.


1. You need to install a Common Lisp implementation. For instance: [SBCL](
2. Download latest version of [ system](
3. Download latest version of CL-HMM's code
4. Make ASDF locate the downloaded packaged, for instance: `(setf asdf:*central-registry* (append '(#p"...local path..." :*central-registry*)))`
5. Load & compile the package: `(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :cl-hmm)`
