资源说明:Uxebu.com website
You see that we are using the simpleBox renderer in this block which essentially means that we expect a certain type of markdown for this section.
**2. Creating the Markdown content**
Now create a Markdown file with the same name as the HTML file in the content directory (index.md)
Welcome folks
This is a demo of our super simple Markdown to HTML converter.
[Visit our blog](http://uxebu.com/blog)
After you have done this you can move on to building the site.
How to build a new site
node build.js
**verbose mode**
node build.js -v
**debugging mode**
node build.js -d
**kicking of the post processor**
node build.js -p ./path/processor.js
All deployable content lies in ./release
Static content
The build tool currently supports three types of static content:
- src/static
Everything within this directory gets copied over to the release directory. Use this directory for JS, CSS and other stuff which is independent from your content
- content/media
This is all the static content which is related to the actual content of your site. For example pictures of your team would land in here.
- content/favicon.ico
The build script copies the favicon from the content dir to the release dir.
Content editing
All content lies in the ./content directory.
Within your Markdown document, blocks which get passed to different content handlers have to be seperated by h1 headers:
This is block one
Some text of block one
This is block two
Some text of block two.
Make sure that you write the content as it is required by the containing box.
You can find the available Markdown to HTML blocks in:
If you want to add a custom block, simply add it do the block.js and reference it in your template using a comment such as:
Template editing
Website templates are located in ./src and can use the Mustache template syntax.
To achieve mapping of markdown blocks to template blocks you have to let the build tool know that a certain Mustache block should map to a Markdown block:
uxebu.com ========= This is the node/markdown based HTML generator for uxebu.com Content is maintained through Markdown files which map to HMTL templates. Quickstart ---------- **1. Creating the HTML Template** Create a index.html HTML template and put it into the src directory ```htmlOhai {{#block0}} {{!simpleBox}}{{title}}