资源说明:Build tooling, based on make utility and friends
This is experimental system of makefiles that should provide easy usage and maintenance of leaf makefiles. Key features: - One-place list of source files for any platform and compiler - One-place for libraries versions - System support GNU Make (>= 3.79) and Microsoft's nmake. - Multiple OS support - Multiple compilers support - Support cross-compilation - Irredundant structure - Dependencies generation for C and C++ sources - Source files can be situated in different catalogs Supported make utilities: - GNU Make (>= 3.79) - Microsoft's nmake. Supported OS: - Linux - FreeBSD (with GNU Make) - Windows (with nmake or GNU Make) Supported compilers: - gcc - Visual C++ 6 Supported cross-compilation: - gcc (on Linux for FreeBSD) Supported dependency generation for C and C++ sources: - gcc (in any POSIX-like operational environment) - Visual C++ 6 (in POSIX-like operational environment, such as CygWin) Usage: Linux, gcc: $ make -f gcc.mak dep $ make -f gcc.mak install Windows, VC6, nmake: G:> nmake -f nmake-vc6.mak install Windows, VC6, CygWin: cygdrive/e/xxxx$ make -f cygwin-vc6.mak install Cross-compilation: $ ./configure --target=i686-pc-freebsd5 $ make -f gcc.mak install $ rm ./Makefiles/config.mak Make tags: - release-shared build shared (dynamic) library without debug info - dbg-shared build shared (dynamic) library with debug info - stldbg-shared build shared (dynamic) library with debug info and _STLP_DEBUG mode - release-static build static library without debug info - dbg-static build static library with debug info - stldbg-static build static library with debug info and _STLP_DEBUG mode - all build all shared libs for *nix platforms, and all shared and static libs for Wins - clean remove intermediate (object) files - clobber clean and remove dependency files and builded libraries - distclean clobber and remove installed libraries - install copy resulting libs into/lib, create appropriate links (if required) - depend trace source dependencies and create dependency file Files. ------------------------------------------ clean.mak make.mak rules-d.mak rules-o.mak rules-res.mak top.mak gmake/ depend.mak dirsrc.mak gcc.mak sysid.mak targetdirs.mak targets.mak vc6.mak app/ clean.mak macro.mak rules-install.mak rules.mak top.mak lib/ clean.mak gcc.mak rules-a.mak rules-install-a.mak top.mak vc6.mak cygwin/ extern.mak lib.mak rules-install-so.mak rules-so.mak sys.mak freebsd/ extern.mak lib.mak rules-install-so.mak rules-so.mak sys.mak linux/ extern.mak lib.mak rules-install-so.mak rules-so.mak sys.mak nmake/ clean.mak extern.mak rules-o.mak sysid.mak sys.mak targetdirs.mak targets.mak top.mak vc6.mak app/ clean.mak macro.mak rules-exe-windows.mak top.mak vc6.mak lib/ clean.mak macro.mak rules-a.mak rules-install-a.mak rules-install-so.mak rules-so.mak top.mak vc6.mak templates/ Makefile-app.inc Makefile-gcc-app Makefile-gcc-lib Makefile-lib.inc