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资源说明:Vonage REST API client for Ruby. API support for SMS, Voice, Text-to-Speech, Numbers, Verify (2FA) and more.
# Vonage Server SDK for Ruby

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Nexmo is now known as Vonage

This is the Ruby Server SDK for Vonage APIs. To use it you'll
need a Vonage account. Sign up [for free at vonage.com][signup].

* [Requirements](#requirements)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Usage](#usage)
    * [Logging](#logging)
    * [Overriding the default hosts](#overriding-the-default-hosts)
    * [JWT authentication](#jwt-authentication)
    * [Webhook signatures](#webhook-signatures)
    * [Pagination](#pagination)
    * [NCCO Builder](#ncco-builder)
* [Documentation](#documentation)
* [Frequently Asked Questions](#frequently-asked-questions)
    * [Supported APIs](#supported-apis)
* [License](#license)

## Requirements

Vonage Ruby supports MRI/CRuby (2.5 or newer), JRuby (9.2.x), and Truffleruby.

## Installation

To install the Ruby Server SDK using Rubygems:

    gem install vonage

Alternatively you can clone the repository:

    git clone git@github.com:Vonage/vonage-ruby-sdk.git

## Usage

Begin by requiring the Vonage library:

require 'vonage'

Then construct a client object with your key and secret:

client = Vonage::Client.new(api_key: 'YOUR-API-KEY', api_secret: 'YOUR-API-SECRET')

You can now use the client object to call Vonage APIs. For example, to send an SMS:

client.sms.send(from: 'Ruby', to: '447700900000', text: 'Hello world')

For production you can specify the `VONAGE_API_KEY` and `VONAGE_API_SECRET`
environment variables instead of specifying the key and secret explicitly,
keeping your credentials out of source control.

## Logging

Use the logger option to specify a logger. For example:

require 'logger'

logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)

client = Vonage::Client.new(logger: logger)

By default the library sets the logger to `Rails.logger` if it is defined.

To disable logging set the logger to `nil`.

## Overriding the default hosts

To override the default hosts that the SDK uses for HTTP requests, you need to
specify the `api_host`, `rest_host` or both in the client configuration. For example:

client = Vonage::Client.new(
  api_host: 'api-sg-1.nexmo.com',
  rest_host: 'rest-sg-1.nexmo.com'

By default the hosts are set to `api.nexmo.com` and `rest.nexmo.com`, respectively.

## JWT authentication

To call newer endpoints that support JWT authentication such as the Voice API you'll
also need to specify the `application_id` and `private_key` options. For example:

client = Vonage::Client.new(application_id: application_id, private_key: private_key)

Both arguments should have string values corresponding to the `id` and `private_key`
values returned in a ["create an application"](https://developer.nexmo.com/api/application.v2#createApplication)
response. These credentials can be stored in a datastore, in environment variables,
on disk outside of source control, or in some kind of key management infrastructure.

By default the library generates a short lived JWT per request. To generate a long lived
JWT for multiple requests or to specify JWT claims directly use `Vonage::JWT.generate` and
the token option. For example:

claims = {
  application_id: application_id,
  private_key: 'path/to/private.key',
  nbf: 1483315200,
  ttl: 800

token = Vonage::JWT.generate(claims)

client = Vonage::Client.new(token: token)

Documentation for the Vonage Ruby JWT generator gem can be found at
The documentation outlines all the possible parameters you can use to customize and build a token with.

## Webhook signatures

To check webhook signatures you'll also need to specify the `signature_secret` option. For example:

client = Vonage::Client.new
client.config.signature_secret = 'secret'
client.config.signature_method = 'sha512'

if client.signature.check(request.GET)
  # valid signature
  # invalid signature

Alternatively you can set the `VONAGE_SIGNATURE_SECRET` environment variable.

Note: you'll need to contact support@nexmo.com to enable message signing on your account.

## Pagination

Vonage APIs paginate list requests. This means that if a collection is requested that is larger than the API default, the API will return the first page of items in the collection. The Ruby SDK provides an `auto_advance` parameter that will traverse through the pages and return all the results in one response object.

The `auto_advance` parameter is set to a default of `true` for the following APIs:

* [Account API](https://developer.nexmo.com/api/developer/account)
* [Application API](https://developer.nexmo.com/api/application.v2)
* [Conversation API](https://developer.nexmo.com/api/conversation)
* [Voice API](https://developer.nexmo.com/api/voice)

To modify the `auto_advance` behavior you can specify it in your method:

client.applications.list(auto_advance: false)

## NCCO Builder

The Vonage Voice API accepts instructions via JSON objects called NCCOs. Each NCCO can be made up multiple actions that are executed in the order they are written. The Vonage API Developer Portal contains an [NCCO Reference](https://developer.vonage.com/voice/voice-api/ncco-reference) with instructions and information on all the parameters possible.

The SDK includes an NCCO builder that you can use to build NCCOs for your Voice API methods.

For example, to build `talk` and `input` NCCO actions and then combine them into a single NCCO you would do the following:

talk = Vonage::Voice::Ncco.talk(text: 'Hello World!')
input = Vonage::Voice::Ncco.input(type: ['dtmf'], dtmf: { bargeIn: true })
ncco = Vonage::Voice::Ncco.build(talk, input)

# => [{:action=>"talk", :text=>"Hello World!"}, {:action=>"input", :type=>["dtmf"], :dtmf=>{:bargeIn=>true}}]

Once you have the constructed NCCO you can then use it in a Voice API request:

response = client.voice.create({
  to: [{type: 'phone', number: '14843331234'}],
  from: {type: 'phone', number: '14843335555'},
  ncco: ncco

## Documentation

Vonage Ruby documentation: https://www.rubydoc.info/github/Vonage/vonage-ruby-sdk

Vonage Ruby code examples: https://github.com/Nexmo/nexmo-ruby-code-snippets

Vonage APIs API reference: https://developer.nexmo.com/api

## Frequently Asked Questions

## Supported APIs

The following is a list of Vonage APIs and whether the Ruby SDK provides support for them:

| API   | API Release Status |  Supported?
| Account API | General Availability |✅|
| Alerts API | General Availability |✅|
| Application API | General Availability |✅|
| Audit API | Beta |❌|
| Conversation API | Beta |❌|
| Dispatch API | Beta |❌|
| External Accounts API | Beta |❌|
| Media API | Beta | ❌|
| Messages API | Beta |❌|
| Number Insight API | General Availability |✅|
| Number Management API | General Availability |✅|
| Pricing API | General Availability |✅|
| Redact API | Developer Preview |✅|
| Reports API | Beta |❌|
| SMS API | General Availability |✅|
| Verify API | General Availability |✅|
| Voice API | General Availability |✅|

## License

This library is released under the [Apache 2.0 License][license]

[signup]: https://dashboard.nexmo.com/sign-up?utm_source=DEV_REL&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=ruby-client-library
[license]: LICENSE.txt
