This is a tool that will help you create fluid grids in your CSS. Check out the following article by Ethan Marcotte. In it, he explains the math behind turning pixel values into percentages and ems. A List Apart "Fluid Grids" by Ethan Marcotte URL: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/fluidgrids/ The tool takes your target value (in pixels) and divides it by the pixel value of the context. Here's an example: You want to set the font size of your p tags to 14px. Currently, the font size is the browser default of 16px. So you enter a target of 14 and a context of 16. Click "Get Em" since you want the value in ems. That produces: 0.875em; /* 14px / 16px */ You can paste that right into your CSS! I made this because I am unable to use a regular keyboard. Instead, I use an onscreen keyboard, which results in slow typing. This tool saves me time by: 1) Doing the calculation 2) Writing out the CSS value 3) Adding the very handy comment containing the equivalent px values, and 4) Auto selecting the result for easy copying If you have any feedback, email me at desk@blakewatson.com. Enjoy!