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资源说明:Tetris clone for the university (2007-2008)
Tetris Revival++


This Game is a multiplatform tetris clone game mae in C++ for the subject (TP) In the 2nd year of Computer engineering in the University of Deusto.

This is only the original code (Well I have added cmake script and disable wxWidgets in it. Also I have fixed some header declarations that broke the build. Only tested and made the cmake script for GNU/Linux), the resources haven't been uploaded because of the licenses. If you want to compile and test it you can download in [Minus](http://min.us/mniDM7OSQ)

Those were good days, not so the code... xD But it was really fun ;)

[GPL v3](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html)


* Jon (Lazarox) Lazaro aduna
* Gaizka (Greyfox) Rubio Landaluze
* Xabier (sLoK) Larrakoetxea Gallego
