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资源说明:Box2d Physics Breakout clone for LOVE game engine
BoxBreaker - Box2d Physics Breakout clone for LOVE Game Engine:
by JDFight

Box Breaker is a simple breakout clone that demonstrates the LOVE 2D physics engine.  This is my first LOVE game and my first Lua project.


1) Install LOVE Game Engine for your distribution - Requires LOVE 0.7.2 or higher.  LOVE can be found here:

2) For Linux systems: Execute the PackAndRun script in the /src directory.  This will creake the .love file and launch it automatically.  For non-Linux systems please refer to the instructions located at :

3) I recently added a Windows 7 installer in the /bin directory for those who just want to play the game. Just run BoxBreaker.msi to install it.

1) Move the paddle with your mouse.
2) Right -click to launch the ball.
3) When the blaster powerup is activated : left click to fire ammo 
4) Alternate controls: Analog Gamepads are supported.  Tested with and XBox 360 controller
5) Press "P" to pause
6) Press "S" to toggle sound on/off
7) Press "Q" to release the mouse cursor
8) Press "Esc" to Quit

Have fun! 
