资源说明:mUI is a 2D game GUI based on HGE, in C++, similiar to WinForm .NET.
mUI === __This project is deprecated and will no longer be maintained. It is kept here for demostration purpose only. If you are looking for a UI GUI framework for your game, there are plenty [alter](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/2hrwfi/anyone_know_a_flexible_gui_library_for_games_in_c/)[natives](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4845969/game-gui-framework). Choose the one suits you the best.__ mUI is a 2D game GUI based on HGE, in C++, similiar to WinForm .NET. mUI is has implementation of C# `delegate`, and adopt same event driven model and threading interface as WinForm .NET. It's a prototype for finding a delegent way to design UI in C++, despite of its unoptimized code. Example ==== The way to add UI widget and listen to event is just the WinForm way in C++: void MGameView::InitializeComponents() { SuspendLayout(); set_Text(L"Mine Game v0.1"); set_DragMove(true); Controls.Add(_d->gameButton); _d->gameButton.set_NormalImage(L"res/smile.png"); _d->gameButton.set_PressedImage(L"res/smile_pressed.png"); _d->gameButton.set_Size(Size(24, 24)); _d->gameButton.Click += EventHandler<>(this, &MGameView::OnGameButtonClicked); Controls.Add(_d->fieldView); _d->fieldView.Uncover += SquareEventHandler(this, &MGameView::OnSquareUncovered); _d->fieldView.ToggleFlag += SquareEventHandler(this, &MGameView::OnSquareToggleFlag); _d->fieldView.SquareMouseDown += MouseEventHandler(this, &MGameView::OnSquareMouseDown); _d->fieldView.SquareMouseUp += MouseEventHandler(this, &MGameView::OnSquareMouseUp); Controls.Add(_d->remainMines); _d->remainMines.set_Location(Point(5, 5)); _d->remainMines.set_Size(Size(39, 24)); _d->remainMines.set_Anchor(AnchorStyles::TopLeft); ResumeLayout(true); _d->configForm->Show(); } Demos ==== There are 2 demos using mUI: ***Mine Game*** ===== The classic Windows game with exact same apperance. ***Visual Sort*** ===== A visually demo of quick sort, with a worker thread sorting the array while showing sort steps on screen. Dependencies ==== Rendering: [HGE](http://hge.relishgames.com/) Font: [FreeType](http://www.freetype.org/) Testing: [googletest](https://code.google.com/p/googletest/) [googlemock](http://code.google.com/p/googlemock/) License ==== [Apache License](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)