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资源说明:ROS Navigation stack for the beagleboard.
This project is intended to allow the beagleboard to use the ROS (Robot 
Operating System) to control a differentially steered robot with shaft encoders.

bb_trainer              : Embedded code for the ATMega 328p controlling base movement, shaft encoders, and power management.
beagle_board            : Code, scripts, and files needed to run the DATA robot. 
docs                    : All saved reference documents for the DATA robot. 
front_shell             : Embedded code for the ATMega 328p interfacing with the front sensors, lasers, and neck servos.
i2c-bootloader-328p     : I2C bootloader for ATMega328p's. Frequency and I2C address can be specified in the Makefile.
razor_9dof_imu          : Source code for my modifications to the reference AHRS code.
ros                     : ROS nodes and high level supporting libraries.
tools                   : Original downloaded supporting materials.
