资源说明:Fax/Voice server based on ISDN CAPI
capircvd Version 0.2.x (please excuse my bad english...) Author : Alexander Brickwedde Contact : alex@brickwedde.de for real address see nic-hdl: AB1176-RIPE What is capircvd? | ----------------+ "capircvd" is a program for the receipt of ISDN calls by CAPI under Linux. The following calls can be received: * voice (transparent data) * faxes of the group 3 Further it can: * activate call deflection for an incoming call I was inspired to write this program by "capifaxrcvd" from the isdn4linux-utils and the Patch of Dirk Lutzebaeck. At my employer (http://www.telehaus.net) I used this program, slightly patched by me, at a so called "anlagenanschluss"(P2P) with direct-inward dialing. That program was very unreliable (because of my Patch :-), because of that i decided to write capircvd... This program is still in BETA-state, use it at your own risk! Feel free to send me bug-reports and improvements !!! -- Everything you do with this program is at your own risk! -- ... Some of the debug-output of capircvd is still in german, i will change it while working on the program... Where can i get "capircvd"? | --------------------------+ http://www.capircvd.de , follow the download-link Prerequisites for "capircvd"? | ----------------------------+ "capircvd" is written in C++. Thus a C++ compiler is needed, e.g. egcs. The program needs pthreads, thus an appropriate library! "capircvd" is using the libcapi20 contained in the isdn4k-utils (see http://www.isdn4linux.de ->FAQ ->CVS(!) ) which currently only supports the active AVM B1 and the passive AVM Fritzcard. Thus an ISDN card produced by AVM is needed. Note for SuSE 6.4 users: In der Library müssen die Funktionen von capiutils.h enthalten sein, das ist bei SuSE 6.4 nicht der Fall! Einfach neue libcapi20 kompilieren und in /usr/lib reinbasteln, mehr Hilfe per Mail alex@brickwedde.de Tip: Neueste isdn4k-utils per CVS ziehen, siehe i4l-FAQ... Hinweis: Nicht nur die neuesten isdn4k-utils ziehen sondern auch die isdn-Treiber für den Kernel (damit alles kompatibel bleibt!) Tip: Wenn die capi20 nicht compilieren will: "libtool" installieren! Wenns Probleme mit statisch und dynamisch gibt: In der Datei ltconfig in Zeile 1856 steht " gnu*) " welches ich auf " gnu*|linux) " erweitert habe! Dann konnte er ordentlich kompilieren... And then naturally Linux... Ports are planned in the far future! Note for users of previous versions: Die Versendeskripte "sendfax" und "sendvoice" sind nicht mehr im Paket, dafür ein universelles handler-Skript "capircvd.handler". Dafür sind noch Tools wie sff2misc, zip, gs, sendmail (oder wrapper) usw. notwendig. Seit Version 0.2.20 braucht der handler auch mimencode, nicht mehr uuencode! The handler for sending fax/voice-files needs several tools, like gs (ghostscript), sff2misc (www.isdn4linux.de ->FAQ -> fax4i4l-FAQ), mimencode, sendmail, zip and maybe some more :-) (mimencode is part of the package "metamail" (SuSE 6.4 contains it)) (the alaw-files are in ISDN aLaw format with 8000 Hz samplingrate!) Starting from version 0.2.4 a Tool isdn2wav is included, it converts the ISDN aLaw files into a 16bit mono signed PCM with 8000 Hz rate with appropriate header! These files are playable with the Windows Mediaplayer and others... How to install "capircvd"? | -------------------------+ Unpack the tgz (tar -xzf capirvd-0.2.x.tar.gz should work), change to the directory capircvd-0.2.x and do a "./configure -- with-iprefix=49 -- with-nprefix=5459", please use your settings for the inter-/national prefixes. then "make" call to compile ... "make install" copies capircvd into the sbin directory and the other programs in the bin directory. If the necessary (default) directories (/var/spool/capircvd and /etc/capircvd) do not exist, they are created. If there is no configuration file capircvd.conf in /etc/capircvd it will be copied ... call "capircvd" with the switch -? and consult the help. The configuration files must be adapted and then you can start "capircvd" with appropriate parameters. if capircvd receives a USR1/TERM signal (e.g.: killall -USR1 capircvd) the current configuration will be stored in the configuration directory into the file "capircvd.state"! Starting with parameter "-r" reads this file in, if she exists, otherwise capircvd.conf. When using the telnet-interface to change parameters these changes are not stored in capircvd.conf but in capircvd.state !!! Sending a HUP signal makes capircvd reread the file "capircvd.conf"! (not capircvd.state, even when using "-r" !!!) When you want to run capircvd everytime, and restart it in case of failure use init. i added this line to my /etc/inittab: crcv:2:respawn:/usr/sbin/capircvd -D 0 &> /dev/null this will run capircvd when in runlevel 2! Please change your cmdline-options! Killing capircvd with "killall -TERM capircvd" starts a new capircvd! When you install new versions of capircvd you must deactivate this, otherwise you get "text file busy" when you want to overwrite the binary! (Quick and Dirty: Using killall ten times will deactivate capircvd for 5 minutes, after installing use "killall -HUP init" to restart capircvd!) What are the "Namen_*.alaw" files in the data catalog? | -----------------------------------------------------+ These files contain audio data in the aLaw format, as soon as a call arrives the file for the Callingpartynumber is played, i.e.. one can hear who calls :-) . When the CallingPartyNumber is not found it will be shortened until a file is found, then you still can hear from which area (country,city,...) a call is coming... (see commandline-parameter "-a" ...) What license applies to "capircvd"? | ----------------------------------+ capircvd is underlying the GPL! Do you need another license? Contact me, i'm flexible... :wq! :-)