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资源说明:Simple shell written for Operating Systems course W4118
w4118 Homework 1 Readme
Hanlong Chen, hc2596

The shell functions by reading in user input as a string which is parsed using
strtok. It is assumed that all arguments are separated by whitespace. It then
either executes cd, pushd, popd, dirs or path if the first argument matches one
of those strings exactly. Otherwise it will try to execute it as a file using
execv. Both the pushd/popd and the path functions use stacks, one for each. They
are composed of singly linked structs with a character array pointer. The path
command adds a '/' to the end of each of the paths if the last character is not
a '/' before adding it to the stack. Paths are not checked for existence when
they are added to the stack, but bad paths will not cause exec to crash when it
iterates over all the paths. The shell has been tested extensively and a sample
of the input/output for the shell is in this directory. To the best of my
knowledge, the shell works as specified.

Note: Program has limit on maximum input size and maximum number of arguments.
I did not have time to implement infinite input size.
