资源说明:Midi Algorithmic Composition
# Midi Music This project aims to create a dead-simple interface for programatically outputting simple musical ideas to Midi from Haskell with no dependencies other than ByteString and some core libraries such as Control.Arrow. So far, this doesn't include any musical concepts other than * Notes * Melodies * Chords * Sequences of Items * Parallel Items There aren't even any rests or dynamics as of yet. The reason behind this is that the project is designed to funciton as a scratch-pad for musical ideas, and not get muddled down in details. ## A simple example: ```haskell import Data.List.Split import Midi -- FilePath, Half-Beats-Per-Second, EOT-Delay, Music main = write_music "test3.mid" 1 1 song song = Parallel [under, over] under = Higher (-24) $ Longer 2 $ Longer 2 $ Sequence [ Sequence chord, Longer 4 (Parallel chord) ] over = Sequence $ replicate 2 $ Sequence $ take 8 major chord = take 4 $ every 2 major minor = concat $ iterate (map oct) [A,B,C,D,E,F,G] major = drop 2 $ minor oct = Higher 12 every n = map head . splitEvery n ``` Outout: [MIDI Download](https://github.com/sordina/Midi/blob/master/examples/test3.mid?raw=true)