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资源说明:A header-only library for simple conversion between javascript and C++ objects and primitives.
v8serialize (aka v8s)

v8serialize is a header-only library for easy conversion between 
C++ and JavaScript types. The primary goal of the library is to use it as
a method of serializing C++ data to json and back using v8.

Building and dependencies 

v8s is header only so there's nothing to build. Just download, include and use.
v8s depends on STL and some boost libraries (just `boost::shared_ptr` at 
the moment, boost::function might be added later). boost functionality is 
optional, define `V8SERIALIZE_NO_BOOST` to use v8s without it.

Supported compilers

So far v8s has only been tested on g++ 4.5.2, but it should work without
problems with any sane compiler.

Converting types

Converting types from JavaScript to C++ is done using `from_js`, from C++ 
to JavaScript using `to_js`. v8s can convert the following types out of 
the box: 
* `int16_t`, `uint16_t`
* `int32_t`, `uint32_t`
* `int64_t`, `uint64_t`
* `double`
* `float`
* `std::string` (const char* conversion is not supported)
* `std::vector` and `std::list` if T is convertible
* `std::map` if T is convertible
* `boost::shared_ptr` if T is convertible *(only if* `V8SERIALIZE_NO_BOOST` *is not defined)*

The library exposes two functions for conversion : `v8s::from_js` and `v8s::to_js`. 
All v8serialize functions and classes are members of `namespace v8s`, but it will 
be omitted in the examples for readability. 


    Handle js_value; //value to convert to C++
    uint32_t cpp_value; //value to convert to
    from_js(js_value, cpp_value);

This will either convert js_value to cpp_value or throw a `bad_conversion_exception`
if js_value can't be converted to a uint32_t. To convert from
C++ types to JavaScript, use `to_js`. Note that `to_js` returns a 
`v8::Handle`, whereas `from_js` requires you to pass a C++ value 
to be filled by reference.

    //An example of converting a std::string to a JavaScript string :
    std::string cpp_str = "Yay!";
    Handle js_str = to_js(cpp_str);

A more advanced example of out-of-the-box conversion would be converting
nested structures. An object with lists defined in json :

    "even":  [2, 4, 6, 8, 10],
    "odd":   [1, 3, 5, 7, 9],

Can be converted to C++ like this :

    Handle js_numbers = json_from_file("example.json");
    std::map > cpp_numbers;
    from_js(js_numbers, cpp_numbers);
    int_32 n = cpp_numbers["odd"][3];
    //n = 5

To convert user types to and from JavaScript, the user type `T` must expose 
static methods `void load(load_info &data, T &o)` and 
`void save(save_info &data, const T &o)`. `load` will be called when 
converting from JavaScript to C++, `save` when converting from C++ to 
JavaScript. Take a look at these two structs :

    struct screen
		int width, height;
		bool fullscreen;
		int bpp;
		static void load(v8s::load_info &data, screen &o)
		static void save(v8s::save_info &data, const screen &o);

	struct config
		screen screen_settings;
		std::string window_name;
		static void load(v8s::load_info &data, config &o)
		static void save(v8s::save_info &data, const config &o);		

Since they aren't convertible out of the box, we will have to provide
static `save` and `load` methods. 

	void screen::load(v8s::load_info &data, screen &o)
		data.get("width", o.width, 800);
		data.get("height", o.height, 600);
		data.get("bpp", o.bpp, 32);
		data.get("fullscreen", o.fullscreen, false);
	void screen::save(v8s::save_info &data, const screen &o)
		data.set("width", o.width);
		data.set("height", o.height);
		data.set("bpp", o.bpp);
		data.set("fullscreen", o.fullscreen);
And for `config` :

	void load(v8s::load_info &data, config &o)
		data.get("screen", o.screen_settings);
		data.get("windowName", o.window_name, std::string("Generic window"));
	void save(v8s::save_info &data, const config &o)
		data.set("screen", o.screen_settings);
		data.set("windowName", o.window_name);

Converting them from js to C++ and back :

	boost::shared_ptr config;
	Handle json = json_file_parse("config_in.json");
	from_js(json, config);

	Handle out = to_js(config);
	json_to_file(out, "config_out.json");    

The `load_info::get` method can be called with 3 arguments, the third one 
being the default value. In `config::load`, property "windowName" is being
converted and written into `o.window_name`. If the conversion fails, either
because "windowName" is not a string or is simply not defined, value of 
`o.window_name` will be set to the default value "Generic window".

When converting from a JavaScript type to `boost::shared_ptr`, if 
there is a valid conversion from that type to T, a value of type T will be
created using `new` and converted as it normally would. 
