文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Very old SDL experiment

This is a simplish SDL shooter. Called tank for no reason, so far. There are no tanks. So far, it just serves as a test bed for some of my graphics and AI ideas.

Control system is yet to be decided - current method is WASD, player turns to face the cursor position (like FPS but top-down).
This will probably change since it is not very intuitive.

- Perhaps it would be good to merge this with the flash tank system
- Tidy up a lot! Mostly make things use smaller functions
- Work out how to move graphics code into a separate library
- Move graphics code into a separate library!
- Levels, loading?
- Different weapons
- I don't know what else... whatever seems like a good idea at the time.


Sun Oct 15 23:59:14 BST 2006
* Started history
* A little bit of tidying
* Made bots use bezier curves for movement AI
* Adjusted health balance
* Fixed strafe speed bug
* Automatically spawning bots
* Different colour bullets
* Smaller death explosions

Thu Oct 19 23:21:24 BST 2006
* Moved some mathematical functions to aux-math.h
* Added some stats (kills, total kills, mean kills, standard deviation)
* Fixed health bar size
* Converted some data to use vector structs (eg coords, velocities)
* Bots now randomly pick a side of the player to go around rather than always the right hand side
* Removed obsolete movement code
* Replaced some 'magic numbers' with #defines
