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\author{Stevan Stanisic and Santana Mach}
\title{COMP 7615 - Assignment 3 \\ Maze}
\date{Nov 14, 2011}



This is a simple randomly generated maze. Each maze wall is a 3D cube with a single texture wrapped to make each face different.
The Cartman model was provided by via Blender free samples.  The enemy, Cartman will follow a simple patrol near the exit of the maze.
The controls are as follows: \\
Keyboard and Mouse: \\
ESC - Exit \\
WASD - Movement \\
Arrow Keys or Mouse - Camera \\
Plus and Minus (Not Numpad) - Zoom In/Out (implemented like sample) \\
M - Minimap toggle (Feature) \\
G - Fog toggle \\
F - Flashlight toggle \\
L - Day/Night toggle \\
C - Clipping toggle \\
Home - Reset to maze start \\
R - Generate new maze \\
XBOX 360 Controller: \\
Back - Exit \\
Left Stick - Movement \\
Right Stick - Camera \\
Left and Right Triggers - Zoom In/Out (implemented like sample) \\
Start - Minimap toggle (Feature) \\
A - Fog toggle \\
B - Flashlight toggle \\
X - Day/Night toggle \\
Y - Clipping toggle \\
Left Shoulder - Reset to maze start \\
Right Shoulder - Generate new maze \\

