资源说明:An Intrusion Detection and Prevention System for IP Multimedia Subsystems. My BSc thesis, originally implemented to work with OpenIMS.
There is NO WARRANTY for this program. Use at your own risk. A sniffer adjusted to work with Open-IMS (and any IMS) platform. Version 0.3 (2011-11-07) Author: Andis Anastasis (andisthejackassatgmaildotcom) !!!IMPORTANT!!! Make sure to backup your iptables rules before running iptables.sh Requirements -------------------- 1) A C compiler (gcc for example) 2) iptables (which is embeded in linux systems, so you're probably OK) 3) libpcap Installation -------------------- Just compile the program using gcc ims.c -o ims -lpcap and you should have an "ims" executable in the same folder. Usage --------------------- 1)run "iptables.sh" script as root sh iptables.sh 2) run "ims" program as root and choose interface ./ims eth0 As the IMS is running and people use the service, you shall see a lot of messages rushing through your terminal - that means in works ;) I also included a "no_prints" version, that will not print any messages. The mechanism runs the same, though.