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资源说明:Opal backed by amistad
h1. Opal
Opal is a powerful Item Listing Application built in Ruby on Rails. It allows you to list any kind of item, from houses to video games to classifieds.

h2. Features 
Opal is powered By Rails 3 and a bunch of "other cool stuff":http://www.hulihanapplications.com/projects/opal. Here's some of the many features found in Opal:

* List Any Type of Item(Products, Video Games, Locations, Events, Classifieds, etc.)
* Add extra stuff to your Items like Images, Videos, Reviews, Comments, Discussions, Custom Fields, and more.
* Ruby On Rails 3 Compatible
* State-of-the-Art Interface powered by HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, and jQuery TOOLS
* Multiple-User Login System with Secure Admin Section
* Infinite-Depth Category Organization & Customizable Advanced Item Searching
* Internationalization Support for multiple languages & locales
* CMS-style Page Publishing & Integrated Blog
* Easy-To-Use TinyMCE Editor with Security Filtering and Image Uploader
* Customizable Themes with easy uploader & installer
* Upload Images with Special Effects(Rotate, Resize, Watermark, Stamp, B&W, etc.)

h2. Uses

Since Opal is highly customizable, you can use it for many different things:

* Content Management System(CMS)
* Blog
* E-Commerce Website/Web Store
* Image/Video Gallery 
* File Download System
* Forum/Disccusion Board
* Classifieds Website
* Review Website

!https://github.com/hulihanapplications/Opal/raw/master/public/themes/fracture/screenshot.png(Opal's Default Theme - Fracture)!

h1. How To Install Opal

h2. Get Opal 

Opal is available at the following places:

* "Official Website":http://www.hulihanapplications.com/projects/opal
* "Github":https://github.com/hulihanapplications/Opal

If you have git installed on your server, you can install it directly from Github:

git clone git://github.com/hulihanapplications/Opal.git
h2. Install Gems Install all of Opal's required gems using bundler:
cd Opal
bundle install 
h2. Install Opal Next, Run the following command(while in the Opal directory) to install Opal's database schema in production mode:
bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production LOCALE=en
bundle exec rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=production LOCALE=en
This command will install all of Opal's required gems(via bundler) and create the database structure of Opal inside the production database. If you leave out *RAILS_ENV=PRODUCTION*, everything will be installed into your development database instead. This command will also set up the default admin account, some sample items(you'll be asked if you want to install sample Data), and other stuff to help you get started with Opal. You can also specify the *LOCALE* parameter to install Opal in a language other than english. * If you want to automate an Opal installation, or if you just want to bypass prompts(that ask you if you want to install sample data and other stuff: run this command: _rake opal:install PROMPTS=FALSE_) h2. That's it! You can now start Opal using the built-in Rails webserver, WEBrick...
rails s -e production
...or any of your other favorite webservers: apache, mongrel, nginx, etc. * To log in to Opal for the first time, the default Admin username and password is: *admin*. h1. Extra Stuff h2. Email Settings Opal includes an automated email system that will send you emails whenever someone registers, creates a new item, etc. To use this automated email system, you must configure the _config/email.yml_ file to connect to an SMTP email server. Here's an example of what this file should look like:
  :address: smtp.server.com
  :port: 25
  :authentication: plain
  :user_name: user
  :password: pass

  :address: smtp.server.com
  :port: 25
  :authentication: plain
  :user_name: user
  :password: pass
h2. Plugins & Themes You can easily extend and customize Opal with new plugins and themes. Check out "Opal's Project Page":http://hulihanapplications.com/projects/opal#5 to learn more. h1. Community & Additional Help If you need any more help, check out these resources: * "Opal User's Guide":http://dev.hulihanapplications.com/wiki/opal/User%27s_Guide * "Opal Forum":http://dev.hulihanapplications.com/projects/opal/boards h1. Development & Contribution If you're interested in developing Opal or contributing a theme, plugin, or translation, check out the following: * "Submit a bug or feature request":http://dev.hulihanapplications.com/projects/opal/issues * "Source Code On Github":https://github.com/hulihanapplications/Opal * "Opal Developer's Guide":http://dev.hulihanapplications.com/wiki/opal/Developer%27s_Guide ** "Plugin Development Guide":http://dev.hulihanapplications.com/wiki/opal/Plugin_Development ** "Theme Development Guide":http://dev.hulihanapplications.com/wiki/opal/Theme_Development ** "Locale Development Guide":http://dev.hulihanapplications.com/wiki/opal/Locale_Development h1. License Opal is Licensed under the "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License":http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/ . h1. Kudos Special Thanks goes to following: * "Yusuke Kamiyamane":http://p.yusukekamiyamane.com/ for his snazzy fugue icon set. * The "jQuery Core Team":http://jquery.org/team for making javascript dance like a puppet.
