资源说明:The core engine of Entando. This project is unmaintained.
SQL notes ```sql -- sql - port database CREATE TABLE contentattributeroles ( contentid character varying(16) NOT NULL, attrname character varying(30) NOT NULL, rolename character varying(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT contentattrroles_contid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (contentid) REFERENCES contents (contentid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION ); CREATE TABLE workcontentattributeroles ( contentid character varying(16) NOT NULL, attrname character varying(30) NOT NULL, rolename character varying(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT workcontentattrroles_contid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (contentid) REFERENCES contents (contentid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION ); -- for "Address book" plugin - Start CREATE TABLE jpaddressbook_attroles ( contactkey character varying(40) NOT NULL, attrname character varying(30) NOT NULL, rolename character varying(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT jpaddressbook_attroles_fkey FOREIGN KEY (contactkey) REFERENCES jpaddressbook_contacts (contactkey) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION ); -- for "Address book" plugin - End -- for "User Profile" plugin - Start CREATE TABLE jpuserprofile_attroles ( username character varying(40) NOT NULL, attrname character varying(30) NOT NULL, rolename character varying(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT jpuserprofile_attroles_fkey FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES jpuserprofile_authuserprofiles (username) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION ); -- for "User Profile" plugin - End -- for "Web Dynamic Form" plugin - Start CREATE TABLE jpwebdynamicform_attroles ( messageid character varying(16) NOT NULL, attrname character varying(30) NOT NULL, rolename character varying(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT jpwebdynamicform_attroles_fkey FOREIGN KEY (messageid) REFERENCES jpwebdynamicform_messages (messageid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION ); -- for "Web Dynamic Form" plugin - End -- for "jpsurvey" plugin - Start ALTER TABLE jpsurvey ADD COLUMN checkusername smallint; update jpsurvey SET checkusername = 0; ALTER TABLE jpsurvey ALTER COLUMN checkusername SET NOT NULL; -- for "jpsurvey" plugin - End -- update localstrings INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_CONFIGURATION','it','Configura il profile'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_CONFIGURATION','en','Edit profile'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_CONFIRM_NEWPASS','it','Conferma nuova password'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_CONFIRM_NEWPASS','en','Confirm new password'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_EDITPASSWORD','it','Modifica Password'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_EDITPASSWORD','en','Edit Password'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_EDITPASSWORD_TITLE','it','Modifica Password'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_EDITPASSWORD_TITLE','en','Edit Password'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_EDITPROFILE_TITLE','it','Modifica profilo'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_EDITPROFILE_TITLE','en','Edit Profile'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ITEM_MOVEUP','it','Sposta su'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ITEM_MOVEUP','en','Move up'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ITEM_MOVEUP_IN','it','Sposta su in posizione'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ITEM_MOVEUP_IN','en','Move at position'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ITEM_MOVEDOWN','it','Sposta giu'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ITEM_MOVEDOWN','en','Move down'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ITEM_MOVEDOWN_IN','it','Sposta giu in posizione'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ITEM_MOVEDOWN_IN','en','Move down at position'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ITEM_REMOVE','it','Rimuovi dalla lista'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ITEM_REMOVE','en','Remove from list'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_MESSAGE_TITLE_FIELDERRORS','it','Attenzione, si sono verificati i seguenti errori nella compilazione del modulo'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_MESSAGE_TITLE_FIELDERRORS','en','Warning, please check the module'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_NEWPASS','it','Nuova password'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_NEWPASS','en','New password'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_OLDPASSWORD','it','Vecchia password'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_OLDPASSWORD','en','Old password'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_PASSWORD_UPDATED','it','La password è stata aggiornata correttamente.'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_PASSWORD_UPDATED','en','Your password updated successfully.'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_PLEASE_LOGIN','it','E'' necessario effettuare l''accesso'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_PLEASE_LOGIN','en','Please login'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_PLEASE_LOGIN_AGAIN','it','E'' necessario riloggarsi.'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_PLEASE_LOGIN_AGAIN','en','Please logout and login again.'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_PLEASE_LOGIN_TO_EDIT_PASSWORD','it','E'' necessario effettuare l''accesso per cambiare la password'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_PLEASE_LOGIN_TO_EDIT_PASSWORD','en','Please login in order to change your password'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_PROFILE_UPDATED','it','Profilo aggiornato correttamente.'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_PROFILE_UPDATED','en','Your profile is now updated.'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_SAVE_PASSWORD','it','Salva password'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_SAVE_PASSWORD','en','Save password'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_SAVE_PROFILE','it','Salva il profilo'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_SAVE_PROFILE','en','Save profile'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ADDITEM_LIST','it','Aggiungi nuovo elemento alla lista'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ADDITEM_LIST','en','Add an element to the list'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_YES','it','Si'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_YES','en','Yes'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_NO','it','No'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_NO','en','No'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_BOTH_YES_AND_NO','it','Indifferente'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_BOTH_YES_AND_NO','en','Both'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_MANDATORY_SHORT', 'it', '*'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_MANDATORY_SHORT', 'en', '*'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_MANDATORY_FULL', 'it', 'Obbligatorio'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_MANDATORY_FULL', 'en', 'Mandatory'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_MINLENGTH_SHORT', 'it', 'Min'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_MINLENGTH_SHORT', 'en', 'Min'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_MINLENGTH_FULL', 'it', 'Lunghezza Minima'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_MINLENGTH_FULL', 'en', 'Minimum length'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_MAXLENGTH_SHORT', 'it', 'Max'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_MAXLENGTH_SHORT', 'en', 'Max'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_MAXLENGTH_FULL', 'it', 'Lunghezza Massima'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_MAXLENGTH_FULL', 'en', 'Maximum length'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_CURRENT_USER_WITHOUT_PROFILE', 'it', 'Utente corrente senza profilo'); INSERT INTO localstrings (keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('userprofile_CURRENT_USER_WITHOUT_PROFILE', 'en', 'Current user without profile'); INSERT INTO localstrings(keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('ENTANDO_API_SERVICE_KEY','en','Key'); INSERT INTO localstrings(keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('ENTANDO_API_SERVICE_KEY','it','Id'); INSERT INTO localstrings(keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('ENTANDO_API_SERVICE_PARENT_API','en','Parent API'); INSERT INTO localstrings(keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('ENTANDO_API_SERVICE_PARENT_API','it','API Padre'); INSERT INTO localstrings(keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('ENTANDO_API_SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION','en','Authorization'); INSERT INTO localstrings(keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('ENTANDO_API_SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION','it','Autorizzazione'); INSERT INTO localstrings(keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('ENTANDO_API_SERVICE_AUTH_FREE','en','Free'); INSERT INTO localstrings(keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('ENTANDO_API_SERVICE_AUTH_FREE','it','Accesso Libero'); INSERT INTO localstrings(keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('ENTANDO_API_SERVICE_URI','en','URI'); INSERT INTO localstrings(keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('ENTANDO_API_SERVICE_URI','it','URI'); INSERT INTO localstrings(keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('ENTANDO_API_SERVICE_PARAMETERS','en','Parameters'); INSERT INTO localstrings(keycode, langcode, stringvalue) VALUES ('ENTANDO_API_SERVICE_PARAMETERS','it','Parametri'); -- transition from 'showlets' to 'widgets' - Start ALTER TABLE showletcatalog RENAME TO widgetcatalog; ALTER TABLE showletconfig RENAME COLUMN showletcode TO widgetcode; ALTER TABLE showletconfig RENAME TO widgetconfig; UPDATE sysconfig SET config = replace(config, '', 'false false false false false false ') WHERE item = 'params'; UPDATE sysconfig SET config = replace(config, 'false', 'false true') WHERE item = 'params'; --- Bundle widgets rename // start --- --- For widget 'language_choose' // start --- INSERT INTO widgetcatalog (code, titles, parameters, plugincode, parenttypecode, defaultconfig, locked, maingroup) VALUES ('entando-widget-language_choose', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL); UPDATE widgetconfig SET widgetcode= 'entando-widget-language_choose' WHERE widgetcode='entando-showlet-language_choose'; DELETE FROM widgetcatalog WHERE code='entando-showlet-language_choose'; UPDATE sysconfig SET config = replace(config, 'entando-showlet-language_choose', 'entando-widget-language_choose') WHERE item = 'entandoComponentsReport'; UPDATE pagemodels SET frames = replace(frames, 'entando-showlet-language_choose', 'entando-widget-language_choose'); --- For widget 'language_choose' // end --- --- For widget 'login_form' // start --- INSERT INTO widgetcatalog (code, titles, parameters, plugincode, parenttypecode, defaultconfig, locked, maingroup) VALUES ('entando-widget-login_form', ' Choose a Language Choose a Language ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL); UPDATE widgetconfig SET widgetcode= 'entando-widget-login_form' WHERE widgetcode='entando-showlet-login_form'; DELETE FROM widgetcatalog WHERE code='entando-showlet-login_form'; UPDATE sysconfig SET config = replace(config, 'entando-showlet-login_form', 'entando-widget-login_form') WHERE item = 'entandoComponentsReport'; UPDATE pagemodels SET frames = replace(frames, 'entando-showlet-login_form', 'entando-widget-login_form'); --- For widget 'login_form' // end --- --- For widget 'navigation_bar' // start --- INSERT INTO widgetcatalog (code, titles, parameters, plugincode, parenttypecode, defaultconfig, locked, maingroup) VALUES ('entando-widget-navigation_bar', ' Dropdown Sign In Dropdown Sign In ', ' Navigation - Bar Navigazione - Barra Orizzontale ', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL); UPDATE widgetconfig SET widgetcode= 'entando-widget-navigation_bar' WHERE widgetcode='entando-showlet-navigation_bar'; DELETE FROM widgetcatalog WHERE code='entando-showlet-navigation_bar'; UPDATE sysconfig SET config = replace(config, 'entando-showlet-navigation_bar', 'entando-widget-navigation_bar') WHERE item = 'entandoComponentsReport'; UPDATE pagemodels SET frames = replace(frames, 'entando-showlet-navigation_bar', 'entando-widget-navigation_bar'); --- For widget 'navigation_bar' // end --- --- For widget 'navigation_breadcrumbs' // start --- INSERT INTO widgetcatalog (code, titles, parameters, plugincode, parenttypecode, defaultconfig, locked, maingroup) VALUES ('entando-widget-navigation_breadcrumbs', ' Rules for the Page List auto-generation ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL); UPDATE widgetconfig SET widgetcode= 'entando-widget-navigation_breadcrumbs' WHERE widgetcode='entando-showlet-navigation_breadcrumbs'; DELETE FROM widgetcatalog WHERE code='entando-showlet-navigation_breadcrumbs'; UPDATE sysconfig SET config = replace(config, 'entando-showlet-navigation_breadcrumbs', 'entando-widget-navigation_breadcrumbs') WHERE item = 'entandoComponentsReport'; UPDATE pagemodels SET frames = replace(frames, 'entando-showlet-navigation_breadcrumbs', 'entando-widget-navigation_breadcrumbs'); --- For widget 'navigation_breadcrumbs' // end --- --- For widget 'navigation_menu' // start --- INSERT INTO widgetcatalog (code, titles, parameters, plugincode, parenttypecode, defaultconfig, locked, maingroup) VALUES ('entando-widget-navigation_menu', ' Navigation - Breadcrumbs Navigazione - Briciole di Pane ', ' Navigation - Vertical Menu Navigazione - Menù Verticale ', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL); UPDATE widgetconfig SET widgetcode= 'entando-widget-navigation_menu' WHERE widgetcode='entando-showlet-navigation_menu'; DELETE FROM widgetcatalog WHERE code='entando-showlet-navigation_menu'; UPDATE sysconfig SET config = replace(config, 'entando-showlet-navigation_menu', 'entando-widget-navigation_menu') WHERE item = 'entandoComponentsReport'; UPDATE pagemodels SET frames = replace(frames, 'entando-showlet-navigation_menu', 'entando-widget-navigation_menu'); --- For widget 'navigation_menu' // end --- --- For widget 'search_form' // start --- INSERT INTO widgetcatalog (code, titles, parameters, plugincode, parenttypecode, defaultconfig, locked, maingroup) VALUES ('entando-widget-search_form', ' Rules for the Page List auto-generation ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL); UPDATE widgetconfig SET widgetcode= 'entando-widget-search_form' WHERE widgetcode='entando-showlet-search_form'; DELETE FROM widgetcatalog WHERE code='entando-showlet-search_form'; UPDATE sysconfig SET config = replace(config, 'entando-showlet-search_form', 'entando-widget-search_form') WHERE item = 'entandoComponentsReport'; --- For widget 'search_form' // end --- --- page model // start --- UPDATE pagemodels SET frames = replace(frames, 'entando-showlet-search_form', 'entando-widget-search_form'); --- defaultWidget UPDATE pagemodels SET frames = replace(frames, 'defaultShowlet', 'defaultWidget'); --- Bundle widgets rename // end --- --- plugin My Portal configuration // start --- UPDATE sysconfig SET config = replace(config, ' Search Form Search Form ', ' ', '') WHERE item = 'jpmyportalplus_config'; UPDATE sysconfig SET config = replace(config, '') WHERE item = 'jpmyportalplus_config'; UPDATE sysconfig SET config = replace(config, ' ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL); UPDATE widgetconfig SET widgetcode= 'entando-widget-sharewith' WHERE widgetcode='entando-showlet-sharewith'; DELETE FROM widgetcatalog WHERE code='entando-showlet-sharewith'; UPDATE sysconfig SET config = replace(config, 'entando-showlet-sharewith', 'entando-widget-sharewith') WHERE item = 'entandoComponentsReport'; UPDATE pagemodels SET frames = replace(frames, 'entando-showlet-sharewith', 'entando-widget-sharewith'); --- plugin Share with configuration // end --- -- transition from 'showlets' to 'widgets' - End INSERT INTO widgetcatalog (code, titles, parameters, plugincode, parenttypecode, defaultconfig, locked) VALUES ('userprofile_editCurrentUser', ' Share With... Condividi con... ', NULL, NULL, 'formAction', ' Edit Current User Edita Utente Corrente ', 1); INSERT INTO widgetcatalog (code, titles, parameters, plugincode, parenttypecode, defaultconfig, locked) VALUES ('userprofile_editCurrentUser_password', ' /ExtStr2/do/Front/CurrentUser/edit.action ', NULL, NULL, 'formAction', ' Edit Current User Password Edita Password Utente Corrente ', 1); INSERT INTO widgetcatalog (code, titles, parameters, plugincode, parenttypecode, defaultconfig, locked) VALUES ('userprofile_editCurrentUser_profile', ' /ExtStr2/do/Front/CurrentUser/editPassword.action ', NULL, NULL, 'formAction', ' Edit Current User Profile Edita Profilo Utente Corrente ', 1); -- for "User Profile" plugin - END -- IF "User Profile" plugin installed: UPDATE sysconfig SET item = 'userProfileTypes' WHERE item = 'jpuserprofileProfileType'; UPDATE sysconfig SET config = replace(config, ' /ExtStr2/do/Front/CurrentUser/Profile/edit.action jpuserprofile:mail ', 'userprofile:email ') WHERE item = 'userProfileTypes'; UPDATE widgetconfig SET widgetcode= 'userprofile_editCurrentUser' WHERE widgetcode='jpuserprofile_editCurrentUser'; DELETE FROM widgetcatalog WHERE code='jpuserprofile_editCurrentUser'; UPDATE pagemodels SET frames = replace(frames, 'jpuserprofile_editCurrentUser', 'userprofile_editCurrentUser'); UPDATE widgetconfig SET widgetcode= 'userprofile_editCurrentUser_password' WHERE widgetcode='jpuserprofile_editCurrentUser_password'; DELETE FROM widgetcatalog WHERE code='jpuserprofile_editCurrentUser_password'; UPDATE pagemodels SET frames = replace(frames, 'jpuserprofile_editCurrentUser_password', 'userprofile_editCurrentUser_password'); UPDATE widgetconfig SET widgetcode= 'userprofile_editCurrentUser_profile' WHERE widgetcode='jpuserprofile_editCurrentUser_profile'; DELETE FROM widgetcatalog WHERE code='jpuserprofile_editCurrentUser_profile'; UPDATE pagemodels SET frames = replace(frames, 'jpuserprofile_editCurrentUser_profile', 'userprofile_editCurrentUser_profile'); -- IF "User Profile" plugin NOT installed: INSERT INTO sysconfig (version, item, descr, config) values ('production', 'userProfileTypes', 'User Profile Types Definitions', ''); -- for "User Profile" plugin - END -- sql - serv database INSERT INTO authpermissions (permissionname, descr) VALUES ('viewUsers', 'View Users and Profiles'); INSERT INTO authpermissions (permissionname, descr) VALUES ('editUsers', 'User Editing'); INSERT INTO authpermissions (permissionname, descr) VALUES ('editUserProfile', 'User Profile Editing'); INSERT INTO authuserprofiles (username, profiletype, profilexml, publicprofile) VALUES ('admin', 'PFL', ' true userprofile:fullname true userprofile:email ', 0); CREATE TABLE actionlogrecords ( id integer NOT NULL, username character varying(20), actiondate timestamp without time zone, namespace text, actionname character varying(250), parameters text, activitystreaminfo text, CONSTRAINT actionlogrecords_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id ) ); CREATE TABLE actionlogrelations ( recordid integer NOT NULL, refgroup character varying(20), CONSTRAINT actionlogrelations_recid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (recordid) REFERENCES actionlogrecords (id) ); CREATE TABLE actionloglikerecords ( recordid integer NOT NULL, username character varying(20) NOT NULL, likedate timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT actionloglikerec_recid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (recordid) REFERENCES actionlogrecords (id) ); -- IF "User Profile" plugin installed: ALTER TABLE jpuserprofile_authuserprofiles RENAME TO authuserprofiles; ALTER TABLE jpuserprofile_profilesearch RENAME TO authuserprofilesearch; ALTER TABLE jpuserprofile_attroles RENAME TO authuserprofileattrroles; -- IF "User Profile" plugin NOT installed: CREATE TABLE authuserprofiles ( username character varying(40) NOT NULL, profiletype character varying(30) NOT NULL, profilexml text NOT NULL, publicprofile smallint NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT authuserprofiles_pkey PRIMARY KEY (username ) ); CREATE TABLE authuserprofilesearch ( username character varying(40) NOT NULL, attrname character varying(30) NOT NULL, textvalue character varying(255), datevalue timestamp without time zone, numvalue integer, langcode character varying(3), CONSTRAINT authuserprofilesearch_fkey FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES authuserprofiles (username) ); CREATE TABLE authuserprofileattrroles ( username character varying(40) NOT NULL, attrname character varying(30) NOT NULL, rolename character varying(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT authuserprofileattrroles_fkey FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES authuserprofiles (username) ); -- for "User Profile" plugin - END -- actionlogrecords - START INSERT INTO actionlogrecords (id, username, actiondate, namespace, actionname, parameters, activitystreaminfo) VALUES (1, 'admin', '2013-09-27 10:58:38', '/do/Page', 'save', 'selectedNode=service model=service strutsAction=1 extraGroupName=free charset= parentPageCode=service defaultShowlet=true copyPageCode= langit=Accedi groupSelectLock=false langen=Sign In group=free mimeType= pageCode=sign_in ', ' '); INSERT INTO actionlogrecords (id, username, actiondate, namespace, actionname, parameters, activitystreaminfo) VALUES (2, 'admin', '2013-09-27 11:00:12', '/do/Page', 'save', 'selectedNode=service model=service strutsAction=1 extraGroupName=free charset= parentPageCode=service defaultShowlet=true copyPageCode= langit=Pagina non trovata groupSelectLock=false langen=Page not found group=free mimeType= pageCode=notfound ', ' en Sign In it Accedi free 1 /do/Page edit selectedNode sign_in managePages free '); INSERT INTO actionlogrecords (id, username, actiondate, namespace, actionname, parameters, activitystreaminfo) VALUES (3, 'admin', '2013-09-27 11:00:12', '/do/Page', 'save', 'selectedNode=service model=service strutsAction=1 extraGroupName=free charset= parentPageCode=service defaultShowlet=true copyPageCode= langit=Errore di Sistema groupSelectLock=false langen=System Error group=free mimeType= pageCode=errorpage ', ' en Page not found it Pagina non trovata free 1 /do/Page edit selectedNode notfound managePages free '); INSERT INTO actionlogrelations (recordid, refgroup) VALUES (1, 'free'); INSERT INTO actionlogrelations (recordid, refgroup) VALUES (2, 'free'); INSERT INTO actionlogrelations (recordid, refgroup) VALUES (3, 'free'); ``` en System Error it Errore di Sistema free 1 /do/Page edit selectedNode errorpage managePages free