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资源说明:ascii-art console tetris in C language

   This program is a clone of the original black and white gameboy tetris, in
ascii art and in plain C. It is intended to be as similar as possible to the
original game.

   Simply issue :
   For android, provided you have the ndk tool chain in your path, type :
      make android
   Cleaning :
      make clean

   More information on program usage can be found with :
      ./tetris h
   To put it quickly, esc quits the games, movement key are near from the
   keyboard marks and return pauses the game

   1 player survival mode (game A) and challenge mode (game B).
   2 player mode over an IP network
   Original bgm and sfx

   About key repeats :
      As one needs to be priviledged to access raww keypresses and key releases,
   tetris is forced to work with the system's key repeats.

   About the sound :
      Tetris relies on oss, which has "disappeared" in modern linux
   distribution, to make sound work properly, one need to use an oss wrapper
   which nearly every new sound system provide. For exemple, with aoss, in the
   debian package alsa-oss, simply type :
      aoss ./tetris

Quick start
   1 player survival mode :
   2 player, on the server, with a handicap of level 4, high 3 :
      ./tetris 2 4 3
   2 player, on the client :
      ./tetris 2 ip_address_of_the_client:
