资源说明:cloud & rain
# cloudrain Web MUD based on websocket proxy to telnet ## Build Setup ### Web git subtree (for develop) ``` git clone git@github.com:lostsnow/cloudrain.git git remote add -f web git@github.com:lostsnow/cloudrain-web.git git subtree add --prefix=web web master --squash git subtree pull --prefix=web web master --squash git subtree push --prefix=web web master ``` build ``` bash cd web # install dependencies npm install # serve with hot reload at localhost:7171 npm run dev # build for development npm run build-dev # build for production with minification npm run build ``` ### Server ``` go build -v ``` #### hot reload ``` # binary will be $(go env GOPATH)/bin/air curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cosmtrek/air/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin air ``` ### Docker ```shell docker-compose build --build-arg GOPROXY="https://goproxy.cn,direct" \ --build-arg VUE_APP_WEBSOCKET_URL=ws://localhost:7071/ws docker-compose up -d ```