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资源说明:AlexZam Home Information System (or should be)

Ok, you found it. "HIS" actually means "Home Information System" It's kind of beta so download and try if you want, 
but I don't intend to provide a beautiful project. For now.
So. How to install this piece of soft.

## Installation
If you know what it means: clone then "mvn package" then install to your Tomcat and setup DB connection with context.xml in META-INF.

If you don't... Hmm...
Ok, well, you have to do this:
- Download and install [MySQL Community Server](http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/).
- Find in your Programs menu "MySQL Command Line Client" and start it.
- Enter root password, you should have remembered it during installation.
- When you see prompt `mysql>` enter this (press enter after each line):

CREATE USER his@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'his';
GRANT ALL ON his.* TO his@localhost;
- Ok, that's enough, close the window.
- Download project package. Latest version is in [Release section](https://github.com/alexzam/HIS/releases). Choose standalone ZIP or tar.gz.
- Unpack it to where you want it to be unpacked. Do I really need to write this?..
- Don't run it yet! If you for some reason created DB name or user other than "his", then go and tell application about that. Use file `webapp/META-INF/context.xml`
- Final step! Open `webapp/WEB-INF/classes/import.sql` and in first 2 lines change usernames to whatever you want. also you may add more lines like this.
- Ok, now you are allowed to run it. Just run bin/his.bat and behold huge messy output. If the 3rd line from bottom is "`Servlet 'his' configured successfully`" then you're ok.
- Open in browser this: [http://localhost:8080/his](http://localhost:8080/his). Enjoy it if you can.
- Each time you find some bug please report it [here](https://github.com/alexzam/HIS/issues).
