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资源说明:Jolijar's Simple 3D Printer
// Rook 3D Printer 
// Created By Jeffrey Olijar 

This 3D printer is designed to use 20mm Misumi aluminum extruded rails.  By using these rails instead of the traditional threaded rod frame the printer will be simpler to construct and calibrate.  It will also be expandable, simply buy the lengths you need for the build area you want (within reason)  I am shooting for a default value of 12" x 12" x 8" thats 305x305x204mm for you metric folks.  I suppose you could go bigger at the cost of rigidness I plan on testing this on a later date.

Rook 3D Printer Feature List
-Simple Design
-Ease of Construction
-Configurable Build Area
-Interchangeable Toolheads (The carriage has two vertical holes 36mm apart that are used for mounting toolheads.  The toolhead are held to the carriage by 2x M5 Screws and thumbscrews.)
-Pen Plotter
-Single Extruder(Under Heavy Development) 
-Dual Extruder 	(In Work)
-PCB Router	(In Work)

Created NZR version (No Z Rod)
It is still being tested but it uses the misumi rail to hold the axis instead of a smooth rod... this elimantates the smooth rods from the z axis as well as 2 LM8UU bearings...  Initial tests are promising going to post a video as soon as I finish printing off the test axis...

This is still a work in progress...
Feel free to follow along at my blog...
or to contribute...

~Jeffrey Olijar
