文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
Initial Countdown server

To run:

1. Get sbt 0.11.0
2. Install MongoDB
2. Run sbt, update and compile
3. run TestStartup

This will read some release date for games, persist it to mongo and start a jetty service.

Calling http://localhost:55555/countdownlist should give something like:
{"countdowns":[{"label":"Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning","url":"4ed54653a8b6be639489b0ac"},{"label":"Another World","url":"4ed54653a8b6be639489b0ad"},{"label":"Syndicate Executive Package","url":"4ed54653a8b6be639489b0ae"}]}

To access a countdown, use one of the urls, like: http://localhost:55555/countdown/4ed54653a8b6be639489b0ad
It should display something like: 

{"name":"Another World","url":"4ed54653a8b6be639489b0ad","eventDate":1328047200000}
